law + order

Wondering what’s legal and illegal at work? Answers to your questions about law + order at work.

my employer says we can’t stop patrons from filming us

A reader writes: I work at a library in a two-party consent state for recording people. Recently people have been coming in and harassing the staff and filming their reactions. Some of these videos have ended up on social media websites, giving our library a minor amount of fame (much to the staff’s dismay). In […]

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how do you find a lawyer for workplace issues?

A reader writes: You’ve written before about the scenarios where it might be wise to speak to a lawyer regarding issues at work. Could you talk a little bit about how to find a lawyer for that kind of thing? Is there a speciality or title folks should be looking for? Is it just a […]

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is this HR process for accommodations as bananas as it feels?

A reader writes: Like many companies, mine recently announced a tightening of hybrid/WFH scheduling. During the pandemic, I started an ongoing series of weekly healthcare appointments via telehealth, which have made a massive improvement in my life. Until now, company policy was that people who are not client-facing could work from the office or from […]

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my younger coworker keeps making ageist comments to me

A reader writes: I am an older worker doing very well in my executive position in a small think tank. Apart from the director and myself, the other staff are in their 20s and 30s. One staff member in particular continually makes both oblique and direct references to age. For example, she said one day […]

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I’m a public employee and the governor pushes religion at work

A reader writes: Unlike the bulk of your letters, I’m going to name my employer for two reasons: (1) I technically work for an elected official so it’s not a standard boss/employee relationship and (2) multiple reporters covered and recorded the behavior in question because these were public events. You can find it online everywhere. […]

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