my employer says we can’t stop patrons from filming us by Alison Green on October 3, 2023 A reader writes: I work at a library in a two-party consent state for recording people. Recently people have been coming in and harassing the staff and filming their reactions. Some of these videos have ended up on social media websites, giving our library a minor amount of fame (much to the staff’s dismay). In […] Read the full article →
how do you find a lawyer for workplace issues? by Alison Green on September 28, 2023 A reader writes: You’ve written before about the scenarios where it might be wise to speak to a lawyer regarding issues at work. Could you talk a little bit about how to find a lawyer for that kind of thing? Is there a speciality or title folks should be looking for? Is it just a […] Read the full article →
the federal government has proposed new overtime rules that could boost your paycheck by Alison Green on September 7, 2023 Last week, the federal government announced a big proposed change to the rules that govern who must receive overtime pay. If it becomes law, your employer would be required to pay you overtime (time and a half for all hours over 40 that you work in a week) unless you earn at least $55,068 annually – […] Read the full article →
is this HR process for accommodations as bananas as it feels? by Alison Green on August 29, 2023 A reader writes: Like many companies, mine recently announced a tightening of hybrid/WFH scheduling. During the pandemic, I started an ongoing series of weekly healthcare appointments via telehealth, which have made a massive improvement in my life. Until now, company policy was that people who are not client-facing could work from the office or from […] Read the full article →
after I resigned, my employer accessed my personal email to find out details about my new job by Alison Green on April 3, 2023 A reader writes: I recently resigned from a job I have been at for nearly 15 years. The workplace became more and more uncomfortable throughout my tenure, with the boss yelling, the staff miserable, and deadlines being constantly changed. My job, which was more creative in nature, expanded to me doing pretty much everything. Eventually, […] Read the full article →
employee says his religion prevents him from using the correct pronouns for trans or non-binary coworkers by Alison Green on March 29, 2023 A reader writes: I’ve got an older employee who has been very forthright with me about his opinion of LGTBQAI2+ people based on his conservative religious beliefs. He says he doesn’t have a problem working with them, but problems started when I explained that if we ever hired someone in our department who identified as […] Read the full article →
when should I tell an interviewer I need disability accommodations? by Alison Green on March 21, 2023 A reader writes: I have a question regarding asking for disability accommodations when getting a new job. I have a circadian rhythm disorder that basically makes me a clinically diagnosed night owl and causes me great pain when getting up at what would be a normal time for most people. When I’m able to sleep […] Read the full article →
my younger coworker keeps making ageist comments to me by Alison Green on March 20, 2023 A reader writes: I am an older worker doing very well in my executive position in a small think tank. Apart from the director and myself, the other staff are in their 20s and 30s. One staff member in particular continually makes both oblique and direct references to age. For example, she said one day […] Read the full article →
I’m a public employee and the governor pushes religion at work by Alison Green on March 13, 2023 A reader writes: Unlike the bulk of your letters, I’m going to name my employer for two reasons: (1) I technically work for an elected official so it’s not a standard boss/employee relationship and (2) multiple reporters covered and recorded the behavior in question because these were public events. You can find it online everywhere. […] Read the full article →
if you work for a church, can they require you to give 10% of your salary back to them? by Alison Green on February 13, 2023 A reader writes: A friend of mine has been really down on his luck job-wise, but he’s finally managed to pass the final round of interviews for an IT position at a church. The way he tells it, it seems as though they are just waiting for his background check to go through and they’ll […] Read the full article →