40 by Alison Green on May 13, 2013 That’s it for today — I’m taking the rest of the day off to celebrate officially hitting middle age with my 40th birthday, so there won’t be new posts until tomorrow. Feel free to talk amongst yourselves! (Or check out Saturday’s and Sunday’s posts if you missed them.) Read the full article →
an interview with me, nominations, etc. by Alison Green on January 21, 2013 A couple of me-centric things — 1. Unmana Datta, a marketing specialist who sometimes comments here, just published an interview with me about some of the behind-the-scenes workings of Ask a Manager, and how the blog led me to start working for myself. It includes the biggest challenges I’ve faced as an entrepreneur, my least […] Read the full article →
the terrible foot tragedy of one year ago by Alison Green on November 3, 2012 Yesterday was the one-year anniversary of The Terrible Tragedy That Befell My Foot! I am not entirely back to normal: I still have a slight limp that’s probably only detectible if you scrutinize me, and I still can’t run (although that will only be a problem if I’m chased). Most annoyingly, I still can’t wear […] Read the full article →
why you’re getting so many re-published posts this week by Alison Green on September 19, 2012 Cottage. Farm. Crackling fire. Goats. Read the full article →
things I like by Alison Green on August 28, 2012 Three years ago, I did a “things I like” post. It is time to update it! (Note that one item remains from the old list; some things change, and some do not.) 1. Tea, hot or iced 2. These sheets! Like sleeping in a bed of spun gold. 3. This blanket! Like sleeping in the embrace […] Read the full article →
internships, text-speak, the Karate Kid, and more by Alison Green on July 11, 2012 Internships can be incredible learning experiences, but they can also harm your reputation if you don’t conduct yourself professionally during them. Here are the top 10 mistakes interns make, and how to avoid them. 1. Scoff at boring or menial tasks. You might wonder what being good at photocopying has to do with your ability to […] Read the full article →
Ask a Manager radio interview by Alison Green on June 26, 2012 On Sunday night, I did a 40-minute interview with WGN Radio (the number one station in Chicago and a good portion of the midwest!). Host Bill Leff and I talked about everything from people who send in photos with their job applications, to why employers are ruder today, to whether or not you should use glitter on your […] Read the full article →
here’s an interview with me and my co-author… by Alison Green on May 2, 2012 Want to listen to an interview with me and my co-author, Jerry Hauser, talking about the messages in our book, Managing to Change the World: The Nonprofit Manager’s Guide to Getting Results? Our publisher, Jossey-Bass, has an interview with us here. Come listen to us talk about why managing in a nonprofit is harder, what issues managers […] Read the full article →
I walk! by Alison Green on March 30, 2012 I am walking. I know I mentioned a week ago that this was starting to happen, but I am now in full-on walking mode! I haven’t used a crutch for three days and have banished them from my sight. I am legitimately walking around — I am all up in the Trader Joe’s and Whole […] Read the full article →
still not walking… by Alison Green on February 3, 2012 Just in case you’re wondering, I’m still not walking, at least not without crutches. And yes, it’s been three months since the terrible tragedy that broke my foot. I am ready for it to be over (as, I imagine, is everyone around me). I’ve been entertaining myself by documenting the saga of my foot (well, […] Read the full article →