salary transparency, office temperature wars, and asking for more vacation time by Alison Green on June 11, 2019 I was on Marketplace Morning report last week talking about salary transparency — why we should talk more openly about what we earn and why employers should be more transparent. It’s about five minutes long and you can listen here: Also! Office temperature wars come up a lot here — some people want their office […] Read the full article →
why don’t we teach new grads about workplace norms? by Alison Green on April 18, 2019 If you’ve worked with recent graduates who are just getting started in the work world, you’ve probably seen them make their share of professional faux pas. I recorded a piece for the BBC arguing that we need to do a better job teaching students and new workers about how to navigate an office (and I […] Read the full article →
your bad boss can haunt you even after you leave by Alison Green on March 1, 2019 Have you ever worked for a terrible manager, and been relieved to move on to a new and better job? I recorded a piece for the BBC arguing that you might not be fully leaving that bad boss behind as much as you think you are — because you might be taking bad habits and dysfunctional […] Read the full article →
Ask a Manager in the media by Alison Green on January 25, 2019 Here’s some coverage of Ask a Manager in the media recently: I’m in Parade Magazine talking about the best way to ask for a raise. I’m in the Oprah Magazine talking about what to do if you hate your boss. I did a Q&A with the New York Times about crying at work. I talked to […] Read the full article →
passive-aggressive notes at work by Alison Green on January 14, 2019 Take a look around any office, and you’re likely to find at least one passive-aggressive note. It might be the note someone taped above the kitchen sink, reminding you not to leave dirty dishes around, or it might be the exasperated note on the copier, sternly reminding you to refill the paper tray rather than […] Read the full article →
the weird world of writing an advice column by Alison Green on January 8, 2019 Over at Buzzfeed today, I joined Daniel Ortberg of Dear Prudence, Jolie Kerr of Ask a Clean Person, Jennifer Peepas of Captain Awkward, Nicole Cliffe of Care and Feeding, and Harris O’Malley of Dr. Nerdlove in a roundtable about writing advice columns. We talked about weird letters, whether we give advice to family/friends, how to get […] Read the full article →
me, talking about burn-out by Alison Green on December 10, 2018 I’m on the Stuff Mom Never Told You podcast this week, talking about burn-out — how to recognize burn-out, what to do if you’re burned out, my own experiences with burn-out, why it might be different for women, and more. The episode is 52 minutes long and you can listen here. Read the full article →
why don’t companies give managers more training? by Alison Green on November 21, 2018 Would you ever hire an accountant with no bookkeeping training? How about a doctor who hadn’t been to medical school? We tend to agree that most skilled jobs require some amount of formal training – and yet for one of the jobs that is most key to companies’ success, we frequently throw people in with […] Read the full article →
you need to ask for more money by Alison Green on November 2, 2018 When’s the last time you asked for a raise at your job, or negotiated a higher salary when taking a new job? If you’re like a surprising number of people, the answer is never. I’m frequently startled by how many people confess to me that they’ve never asked an employer for more money. They just […] Read the full article →
me, talking about awkward conversations and politics at work by Alison Green on October 12, 2018 If you wish you had a magic wand that you could wave to get your boss or your coworkers to change their behavior without you having to actually, you know, talk to them about it, you are not alone. I recorded a piece for the BBC about how people shy away from even minor conversations that […] Read the full article →