me, media, etc.

Ask a Manager in the media! Here are articles and shows featuring Ask a Manager’s advice on workplace life.

the Ask a Manager book is coming

Y’all, I wrote a book. ASK A MANAGER: Ask a Manager: How to Navigate Clueless Colleagues, Lunch-Stealing Bosses, and the Rest of Your Life at Work will be published by Random House/Ballantine next spring. The book — which is nearly all new content that you haven’t read here — takes on more than 200 difficult conversations […]

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how to deal with weird interview questions

I’m quoted in this Lifehacker article about how to deal with weird questions in job interviews. One point I wanted to stress to the interviewer is that there are two categories of these questions: (1) brainteasers like “how many golf balls can you fit into an airplane?” where the interviewer wants to hear you problem-solve out loud, […]

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me, talking about hugging at work (Wall St. Journal) and job interviews (Marketplace)

I’m quoted in this Wall St. Journal piece, talking about hugging at work. My advice: “Huggers feel they’re really good at judging when someone wants a hug, but based on what the nonhuggers are saying, they’re wrong about that.” And this weekend, I was on public radio’s Marketplace, talking about job interviews. My segment starts at 6:11.

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me, talking about favorite past letters and more

If you like advice columns, I think you will like Hannah and Matt Know It All, a very fun podcast where Hannah and Matt re-answer questions from other advice columns and field new questions too. I joined them for this week’s episode, where we talked about: some of my favorite Ask a Manager letters, including the person […]

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listen to me on the Mo’ Money podcast

I talked to Jessica Moorhouse for her very fun Mo’ Money podcast. We talked about what Ask a Manager is all about, why it’s better to just be a normal person in interviews, bringing up money with your interviewer, how to deal with difficult coworkers, and that letter about the employee who was casting magic curses […]

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I talked to Second City! And the Billfold! And it was fun!

I’m interviewed on Second City’s podcast! Host Kelly Leonard is a ridiculously good interviewer (which makes sense — this is Second City, after all). We talked about my own bad bosses, aggressive huggers, and lots more.  I even share a story about marriage. Please listen to it here! (Or in iTunes here.) Also today, I’m in an advice columnist roundtable at […]

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I’m on the Dear Prudence podcast!

I love Slate’s Dear Prudence advice column, and I am a huge fan of their new Prudence, Mallory Ortberg, so my head basically exploded when Mallory asked me if I wanted to come on their new podcast and answer questions with her. We answered a bunch of (non-work-related!) questions from Mallory’s readers, including one about friend […]

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