me on a podcast, and other places too by Alison Green on June 10, 2016 Look, it’s Ask a Manager in a bunch of places other than here — * I’m interviewed on this week’s episode of the Copeland Coaching podcast. We talk about interviewing, how to negotiate for more money, working in nonprofits, and more. You can listen to it here. * Bravo’s website featured AAM again — this time […] Read the full article →
the demise of WTF Wednesday, reporting problems, and more by Alison Green on May 24, 2016 A few housekeeping items — 1. I signed with a literary agent to do an Ask a Manager book, y’all. I’ve spent the last few days saying “you’ll need to talk to my agent” in response to everything my husband asked me, which was very fun (for one of us). 2. There’s now a link right above […] Read the full article →
New York magazine on Ask a Manager by Alison Green on May 19, 2016 Y’all, New York magazine did the greatest profile of Ask a Manager yesterday. I love everything about it, except that apparently I say “I mean…” constantly. But I feel like the writer really gets the site and what’s going on here. Read it here! Read the full article →
here are things I’ve changed my advice on over time by Alison Green on May 17, 2016 Years ago, someone asked me to do a post about instances when I’ve changed my opinion or advice about something over time. I’ve been pondering it for a while, and here’s what I’ve come up with: 1. Land lines vs. cell phones. Until 2012, I staunchly told people to use a land line for phone […] Read the full article →
some things about my dad by Alison Green on May 8, 2016 I originally published this in October 2011. Today is 15 years since my dad died. 15 years! It feels like about three. This is me and my dad, Steve Green. He would have turned 71 today, except that he won’t because he died in 2001. Here are some things about my dad: * He worked as a […] Read the full article →
3 things I learned by starting my own business in a recession by Alison Green on November 20, 2015 In 2010, I quit my job to go to work for myself. I was super nervous about it — I had no idea if I’d be able to pull it off or not. But I haven’t had a moment of regret; to the contrary, I’m thrilled that I did it. Since then, I’ve thought a lot about the ingredients that […] Read the full article →
an interview with me by Alison Green on July 31, 2015 Olivia Gamber recently interviewed me for her Occupational Olivia podcast. We talked about how Ask a Manager got started and how the site works today, why so many people shy away from tough conversations, getting along with your boss, how to ask for a raise, and more. You can listen to it here. Read the full article →
5,000th post by Alison Green on June 19, 2015 This is the 5,000th post on Ask a Manager since the site launched in 2007. When I started the site eight years ago, I thought I had about six months of posts in me, and had no idea if anyone would send in any questions. Today, the site gets 50+ questions a day, 2 million visits a […] Read the full article →
4 random things by Alison Green on May 8, 2014 A few random things — 1. Here’s an interview I did with the Young Nonprofit Professional Network. We cover the differences in working in nonprofits, what to do if you’re not being managed well, how to set boundaries with your employer around your time and money, bad career advice and more. 2. Here’s an interview […] Read the full article →
me, talking about how to manage by Alison Green on April 11, 2014 Holly Worton recently interviewed me for her Socially Holistic podcast. We talked about what good management is, how to move into a management role, why it’s important to have difficult conversations, and much more — including how I started Ask a Manager, how I started working for myself, and how Ask a Manager has helped […] Read the full article →