
the cats of AAM

In last week’s speed round, a surprising number of questions requested updated info on the cats — in particular, an update to the personality profiles and photos from last year. So here we go. Olive 11 years old, the grande dame of the house. She is very beautiful and requires that you treat her like […]

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Ask a Manager speed round

It’s the annual Ask a Manager speed round! Until 3:30 pm ET today, I’ll be answering questions live. How to ask questions: Submit a question using the form here. (Don’t leave your question in the comment section; I won’t see it there.) If you submitted a question yesterday, there’s no need to submit it again; I’ve got it […]

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speed round — submit your questions

Tomorrow is the Ask a Manager speed round! On Wednesday from 2-3:30 pm ET, I’ll be answering as many questions as I can live on the website during that time. To submit a question in advance, use the form below. These will be short answers, obviously, so this is better suited for questions that don’t […]

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I’m the weakest link on my team

A reader writes: I work with a very talented team of individuals, and I feel like I can’t operate at their level. I consistently complete fewer tasks than the rest of the team, and I need guidance on things I’ve been working with for years. I’ve improved greatly from where I was when I started […]

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pregnancy and work: all your questions answered

Here’s a round-up of posts about pregnancy and work. interviewing while pregnant is it dishonest not to disclose you’re pregnant when you’re interviewing? interviewer said they would hire me if I weren’t pregnant interviewing while pregnant — but I’m not the mother when should I tell my interviewer I’m pregnant? working while pregnant how do […]

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my employee is patronizing when I correct his work

A reader asks: My employee, who is fresh out of college, is often not very thorough or good at his job. He’ll submit work that clearly lacked any attention to detail. And 90% of the time, there are errors that I end up pointing out. I am fair, factual, and give context to why the […]

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