
the most surprising thing about Ask a Manager letters

A reader writes: I was curious, after years of writing this column, do you still get letters that surprise you? Do the reactions from the commenters ever surprise you? Have you ever thought that the conversation about a letter would go one way and it went completely the opposite way? What surprises you the most […]

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I hate work, all of it, with a passion

A reader writes: Let me first say that this email might come across as whiny and/or juvenile, but I want you to know on the front end that I truly want input and help. Have you ever heard of someone who hates work? I don’t mean hates their job, their boss, or their coworkers. I […]

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want me to review your resume?

I get a lot of requests to give people feedback on their resumes, but because it’s time-consuming to do it well, I usually turn them down unless they’re friends or family. But for a short time, I’m re-opening the resume review offer that I’ve run a couple of times before. When I’ve offered this in […]

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behind the scenes: ask me anything

Some readers have asked for a post on the behind-the-scenes working of Ask a Manager. For the majority of you for whom this will be boring, skip this post! But for those of you who like the insider-y details about how the site works, here’s your post … ask away and I’ll answer in the comments. […]

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sorry about the ad hiccups!

I know a lot of you have experienced problems with the ads here over the last week or two — video ads that automatically play sound without your permission and mobile ads that redirect you to the App Store for no apparent reason. This happened when I transferred to a new ad network and encountered […]

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get a mug from Chocolate Teapots Ltd.

You asked for Chocolate Teapots merchandise, and it’s here. You can buy Chocolate Teapots mugs, totes, shirts, and more at the new Chocolate Teapots Ltd. online store. (For anyone confused about what this is: Chocolate Teapots Ltd. is the fictional Ask a Manager company that we’ve often used as a stand-in when discussing real-life work situations here.)

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interview with a former professional matchmaker

Recently I discovered that a commenter here, Lauren, used to work as a professional matchmaker, and you can’t reveal that kind of info to me without me insisting on knowing more. Luckily, she graciously agreed to be interviewed, and here’s our Q&A. How did you end up in this job? And how long were you […]

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