
staying home on snow days, labeling millennials, and increasing your pay

Three recent (well, recent-ish) articles of possible interest — * I’m quoted in this Chicago Tribune article talking about working from home during snow days, and why some employers still don’t allow it even for jobs that can be easily done from home. * SHRM addressed whether labeling millennials is misguided (answer: yes), and then quoted me […]

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“how to get a job” discount going… going… almost gone!

If you want to take advantage of my offer for a massive discount on How to Get a Job: Secrets of a Hiring Manager, do it now because it ends this weekend. Here’s the discount code to get 40% off: newjob This e-book is written from my perspective as a long-time hiring manager and will give you step-by-step guidance […]

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most popular posts of 2014

Ask a Manager’s traffic continued to climb this year, with 8 million unique visitors, nearly 14 million visits, and more than 24 million page views. Thanks for your part in that! Here are the posts that interested people the most this year, via two lists: the most commented on posts and the most viewed posts. […]

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my favorite posts of 2014

I wasn’t going to do a list of favorite posts of 2014 because technically I’m on vacation and being lazy, but then at the last minute, the urge struck. So here they are. 10. my coworkers heard my roommates having sex while I was on a conference call Because I’m 12. 9. our European clients […]

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the season of holiday office dramas begins today…

Because today is Thanksgiving, in lieu of a post today I’m instead presenting five crazy holiday stories from years past. (Crazy letters are high on my list of things to be thankful for.) 1. my office Secret Santa gave me a sex toy 2. my office wants us to chip in to send our CEO’s family on […]

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where are you now?

Every December, I publish “where are they now” updates from people whose questions I answered here in the past year. It’s time for 2014’s version, so … If you’ve had your question answered here in the last year, please email me an update and let us know how your situation turned out. Leave no juicy […]

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