
want me to review your resume?

I get a lot of requests to give people feedback on their resumes, but because it’s time-consuming to do it well, I usually turn them down unless they’re friends or family. But for a short time, I’m re-opening the resume review offer that I’ve run a couple of times before. When I’ve offered this in […]

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the questions I get asked the most

As a workplace advice columnist, I field all sorts of questions from readers – everything from how to survive the annoyingly loud coworker in the next cubicle to how to get along with a crazy boss. While some questions are truly one of a kind (this one  and this one come to mind), there are other […]

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comments, crankiness, and civility

One of the things I’m proudest of about this site is the incredible commenters we have here. I’ve long said that this site has some of the best commenters anywhere on the internet — smart, thoughtful, helpful, and civil. But in recent weeks, there’s been more aggression and personal nastiness in the comments section than […]

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housekeeping: mobile version of Ask a Manager?

I figured I’d crowdsource this one: We need a mobile version of Ask a Manager so people can read it on their phones and tablets more easily. Which means I need an easy WordPress plugin that doesn’t require tons of customization to work. I’d been hoping WPtouch Pro would be the solution, but they don’t […]

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most popular posts of 2013

Ask a Manager’s traffic nearly doubled this year, with 5.6 million unique visitors, 9.5 million visits, and more than 15.8 million page views. Thanks for your part in that! Here are the posts that interested people the most this year, via two lists: the most commented on posts and the most viewed posts. Interestingly, there’s no […]

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my favorite posts of 2013

We had more posts here in 2013 than ever before — 1,118 this year so far — so it was particularly hard to pick my favorites. But here’s a stab at it anyway. 10. Stop thinking you’re applying for your dream job Because I hear way too many people say it, and it gets old […]

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the least popular posts of 2013

As part of our best-of lists for the end of the year, I decided to take a look at the posts that garnered the least discussion in 2013 (excluding updates, housekeeping-type posts, and posts that just linked to my articles somewhere else). (This is no reflection on the question-askers! All of these questions are actually […]

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secrets of a hiring manager

As a holiday gift, this week I’m offering you 40% off my e-book, How to Get a Job: Secrets of a Hiring Manager. Put in this discount code and you’ll get a massive discount: holiday2013 Written from my perspective as a long-time hiring manager, this e-book gives you step-by-step guidance through every stage of your job […]

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the weirdest questions I’ve received at Ask a Manager

As regular readers know, I receive some pretty strange questions here. Back in 2011, I shared eight of the oddest situations I’ve ever been asked about here … but in the two years since, I’ve received plenty more bizarre ones. So I decided to update that list, to include the lunch-stealing boss, the compulsively hugging receptionist, […]

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