
some miscellaneous things

Some random notes — * Some of you have asked for the ability to subscribe to the comments feed for one particular post, rather than having to sign up for comments on all of them. Thanks to the wonderful and talented Laura Moore of Smallest Decisions, you can now do this!  At the bottom of […]

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a call for updates: where are you now?

A reader writes: I think it’s time to do another “Where are they now?” post! I think we would all like updates on some of the OPs from the last couple months. What do you think? This is so true. If I published your letter this year, please email me an update about how your […]

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a couple of things…

Two miscellaneous things: 1. I think the technical problems with the comments should now be fixed. If you continue to get a “you are commenting too fast” message, please let me know. 2. Forbes is putting together its list of the best career websites. If you think Ask a Manager belongs on the list, it […]

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2 amusing things

I have been watching this video over and over and laughing hysterically at it. Please watch it immediately. Also: In the process of looking for an old post on something else, I came across the one below. I am reprinting it here in its entirety because it is so wonderful. * * * angry boss […]

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I might have to set up the following form letters: Your boss is crazy, and that’s not going to change. Yes, it’s legal. You cannot make a prospective employer give you closure. If they’re not responding, stop wondering what else to do and move on. Your parents and that college professor are wrong. Figure out […]

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secrets of a hiring manager

This week only, I’m offering you a discount on my e-book, How to Get a Job: Secrets of a Hiring Manager. Put in this discount code and you’ll get a massive 40% discount:  summer2012 Written from my perspective as a long-time hiring manager, this ebook gives you step-by-step guidance through every stage of your job search … […]

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connect with other Ask a Manager readers on LinkedIn

If want to connect with other Ask a Manager readers on LinkedIn — to network, talk, or whatever — now you can. Our awesome commenter Jamie set up a group over there (moderated by her, not me!). To join, click here. And while I have you, here are some other things I keep meaning to […]

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you should read this book. or your manager should.

I’m excited to announce that the second edition of my book, Managing to Change the World: The Nonprofit Manager’s Guide to Getting Results, has just been published by Jossey-Bass. If you want all my thoughts on how to be a good manager, this book is it. Although it’s geared toward nonprofit managers — because that’s what […]

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