
how to get a job

Periodically I like to offer a discount on my e-book, How to Get a Job: Secrets of a Hiring Manager. Put in this discount code today and you’ll get a massive 40% discount: spring2012 In the book, I set out to give you an inside look at a hiring manager’s brain, so that you can […]

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this is not an outlet for your grouchiness

I don’t know what’s going on in the comments section this past week, but this has generally been a reasonably respectful place where personal attacks are unusual, until this week when there’s been a sudden outbreak of nastiness. I’m not sure if it’s been the week-long “ask the readers” series or what, but I’m not […]

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That last post got contentious, so to relax and enjoy your Friday evening, why not sit back with the latest on Oh F—! My Foot? (F-word alert.)

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foot update (good news, finally!)

I can walk again!  Well, I’m allowed to walk again. I can’t actually do it yet. Nearly 10 weeks after breaking my foot and being banned from walking, they took the cast off today and told me I can start walking on it. I’m in one of those cast-boots for a month, but I can […]

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10 secrets of hiring managers

Ever wonder what the hiring managers who are screening your resume, interviewing you, and – maybe – making you an offer are really thinking throughout the hiring process?  Here are 10 secrets that most hiring managers share. 1. Most interviewers aren’t very good at interviewing. You might be going into interviews assuming that your interviewers know […]

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some notes

Some random notes: 1. First, my site will be down for a while on Saturday afternoon, due to some work to fix the issues it’s had this week. Then it will be back up and more reliable than ever. 2. It has now been nine weeks of me not walking due to a broken foot!  And on […]

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website back up…

Apologies for the downtime on the site today. My web host had some kind of server explosion, which has resulted in the site being down for a good portion of the day. I think it’s back up now, hopefully for good (although I also wouldn’t be surprised to see intermittent delays for the rest of […]

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most popular posts of 2011…and my own favorites

Ask a Manager’s traffic tripled this year, with 1.4 million unique visitors and more than 3.7 million page views. Thanks for helping to make that happen! Here are the posts that interested people the most this year, based on the number of comments they generated … plus a list of a few more than I […]

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my 10 least popular posts of 2011

Around this time of year, lots of sites have lists of their most popular posts of the year. I’ll have one of those on December 31, but for now I decided to entertain myself by doing the exact opposite and listing the least popular posts of the year. Here are the 10 posts that generated […]

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