
my holiday gift to you

In a frenzy of holiday spirit, this week I’m offering you 40% off my e-book, How to Get a Job: Secrets of a Hiring Manager. Put in this discount code and you’ll get a massive discount: holiday2011 In this book, I set out to give you an inside look at a hiring manager’s brain, so […]

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my friend wants to sell her product to my coworkers

A reader writes: I have an acquaintance who is a salesperson, who I have not heard from in years, who found out I have a new job. She is now calling me in order to find out the names of key contacts in my organization in order to try to sell her product to them. […]

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where are you now?

Every December, I like to publish “where are they now” updates from people whose questions I answered here in the past year. It’s time for 2011’s version, so … If you’ve had your question answered here in the last year, please send me an update and let us know how your situation turned out. Leave no […]

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foot update

I know I said I wasn’t going to give a broken foot update until I was walking again, but since that’s slightly further off than I originally thought it would be, you’re getting one now. While I had hoped I’d be able to walk right after Christmas, it turns out that it’s at least five […]

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holiday parties that employees won’t dread

In keeping with our recent discussion of holiday parties, here’s some advice from me on how to throw an office holiday party that employees won’t dread attending. It includes my no-parties-on-a-boat rule. Please leave your own thoughts over at the original post! By the way, a few people have mentioned in the comments that I’m posting […]

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an interview with me

Reader Kristin Van Dorn recently interviewed me for a class she’s taking, and she posted the interview here. We talked about how Ask a Manager started, writing style, and more.

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chat with me live tomorrow

Tomorrow, I’ll be participating in a live online Q&A about how to impress employers in a job interview, hosted by The Guardian (the U.K.’s third largest newspaper). I’m one of their six participating experts. Stop by! Ask questions!  Watch me say something British. The chat is from 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. British time, which […]

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can blogging help your career?

Blogging might help your career … or it might just be a huge annoyance that you resent forever. Done well, blogging can be a boon to your career. It can help you build your reputation, increase your expertise, assist you in keeping up with what’s going on in your industry, and give you a place […]

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injury update

Do you guys want the horrifying update on my broken foot?  This is not for the weak of stomach, so be warned. I saw the orthopedist today. Minimum of three months until I can put weight on the foot, two months before I can drive. Likely surgery. And I have to inject myself in the […]

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