
do kids belong in your LinkedIn photo?

Here’s my first post written on Percocet. Let’s see how I do. A reader writes: I came across my former coworker’s LinkedIn profile, which shows a picture of her hugging her two kids, with one kid making a funny face. The first thought I had was: hmm, not very professional. But now I wonder, would you […]

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So that impending flood of posts I announced? Today I fell off a three-inch curb and broke the bones in the top of my foot. Yes, a three-inch curb. Shameful, no? Apparently this kind of thing is a much bigger deal than I ever realized; there was a stretcher, an ambulance, an IV, and now […]

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a coming flood

I have a TON of questions sitting in my in-box that I really want to answer, and my backlog just keeps growing and growing. So prepare yourself for a possible coming flood of posts; I’m going to try to get through more of these than usual this week. And maybe instead of sending me such […]

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10 myths about working for nonprofits

As someone who has spent my whole career working for nonprofits, I’m used to hearing all the stereotypes and myths about the sector:  nonprofits are touchy-feely places without rigor, where you can’t care about money and you’re probably a hippie, blah blah blah.  There are of course nonprofits that fit this stereotype — but there […]

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some things about my dad

This is me and my dad, Steve Green. He would have turned 71 today, except that he won’t because he died in 2001. Here are some things about my dad: * He worked as a journalist for 40 years, covering Congress and national security, among other things. After he died, Senator Barbara Boxer gave a really […]

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things that annoy the crap out of me

I’m sick with a cold and cranky, so I hereby present to you nine things that annoy the crap out of me: 1. When you email someone a question and they don’t know the answer so they decide to wait until they do know before getting back to you, even if it takes days, instead […]

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office space: does size matter?

Two readers, two different questions about office space. Reader #1 writes: I just went through a series of really positive interviews with a large university, and the signs are good. They asked when could I start if an offer was made, what is my desired salary, all that stuff. I’m excited about the position and the people seem […]

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I’m loving “Blind Spots” by Alexandra Levit

I don’t often recommend books here. (Have I recommended anything other than The Gift of Fear and everything by Jane Austen?) But I’m almost finished reading Alexandra Levit‘s new book, Blind Spots, and I have to say, I’ve been waiting for someone to write this book. Alexandra debunks 10 of the biggest career myths — […]

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your math should be correct now…

I think the anti-spam math question on the comment form should be fixed. If you find that it’s not (if it’s telling you that your correct answer is wrong), please email me and let me know. Thanks! (And much thanks to Laura of smallestdecisions.net for solving this, along with everything else I bring to her. […]

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