kitchen … and kittens by Alison Green on July 31, 2011 Several important updates that have nothing to do with career or management advice: 1.My kitchen is starting to look like a kitchen again! A photo from Friday (day 5) is here. The counters go in Wednesday, and then I will have my sink back and can stop living on take-out. I cannot wait. 2. As […] Read the full article →
because I refuse to go through this alone… by Alison Green on July 25, 2011 I’m renovating my kitchen, and today was day one. No sink for 10 days — and thus no cooking, and many gross pre-packaged sandwiches from the grocery store. And since I work from home, there’s no escaping my non-kitchen. Now is the time for you to pay me back for all this career advice with […] Read the full article →
why I refer to everyone as “she” when I write by Alison Green on July 15, 2011 After I was on Marketplace Money last week to talk about bad bosses, apparently they got some letters asking why I kept referring to all bad bosses as “she.” Here’s the transcript from their follow-up this week: DEB CLARK: So other people who wrote in about this segment made note to the fact that our […] Read the full article →
what your boss thinks when you ask for a raise, rich interns, Gen Y, and more by Alison Green on June 22, 2011 When I find interesting links, I usually post them on Twitter, but I’ve come across more than usual this week, so here’s a round-up: 1. I’m a huge believer that you’ll get a much better understanding of workplace dynamics by reading things that are geared toward the other side — i.e., read advice to managers […] Read the full article →
I’m allergic to my new office! by Alison Green on June 13, 2011 A reader writes: I recently started a new job, which is going great so far. I love the work that I’m doing, my boss, and my coworkers. What I don’t love so much, however, is that I seem to be very, very allergic to something in the office. I’ve never really had allergies before, but […] Read the full article →
free guide on preparing for a job interview by Alison Green on June 9, 2011 For the people coming here from the webinar I just did … you can get my free guide to preparing for a job interview HERE. (And so can anyone else, for that matter.) It’s full of tips to trick you into not being nervous! Read the full article →
confirmed: I am not a man! by Alison Green on June 8, 2011 Back when I wrote this blog anonymously, you all apparently assumed I was a man. Then I dropped the anonymity and it was revealed that I am in fact a woman. But then, later on when I released my interviewing guide, people were surprised that my voice didn’t sound sterner. Because if I wasn’t a […] Read the full article →
overworked, nudity, BBC adaptations, and more by Alison Green on June 3, 2011 A few miscellaneous updates: * I’m quoted in this article on what to do if you’re chronically overworked at your job. * Suzanne Lucas, the Evil HR Lady, takes on the intriguing topic of what to do if you’re working in a foreign culture where you’re expected to get naked with your boss in the […] Read the full article →
warning… by Alison Green on May 27, 2011 I have a bunch of random questions I want to answer and I don’t feel like putting them all into one short-answer post, so brace yourself for a possible coming flood of mini posts. Like, a lot. Or maybe not. It’s possible that I might just eat potato salad and watch a lot of Law […] Read the full article →
social media: help or hindrance, you decide by Alison Green on May 2, 2011 Employers are increasingly paying attention to what their employees and prospective employees are doing on social media sites. This can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on what you’re doing online. Using social media sites wisely can help your career in a number of ways: * Building your knowledge base. No matter what […] Read the full article →