
a few random things

1. If you want a small photo or graphic to show up next to you name when you leave a comment, you can set up a gravatar here. You will not be sorry. 2. If you want to nominate Ask a Manager for about.com’s Reader’s Choice Award (in the career resource website category), you can […]

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most popular posts of 2010

Here’s a list of the posts that got the most comments this year. 2010 marks the first time Ask a Manager broke 1 million page views in a year, so that’s exciting — 1.2 million page views! (This, by the way, wraps up our special year-end programming. Tomorrow we return to the normal Q&A’s.) how […]

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the new Ask a Manager is here!

Well, my long-awaited upgrade to WordPress is complete! I’ll be making various tweaks in the coming days, but we’re live again and everything should be working. (Please let me know if you find anything that isn’t!) My transition to WordPress was incredibly easy … because I didn’t do anything. I just sat around on my […]

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it’s on

I’m moving to WordPress on Monday, and it’s going to be awesome. But this means that if you subscribe to my posts in an RSS reader and haven’t yet updated the feed, you’re going to stop getting my posts. Like, today. The updated feeds are: posts: https://www.askamanager.org/feeds/posts/default comments: https://www.askamanager.org/feeds/comments/default Other than that, the move shouldn’t […]

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a few housekeeping notes, and a holiday present to you

A few quick things — 1. If these “where are they now” updates get overwhelming, tell me and I’ll space them out more. 2. I’m finally switching over to WordPress this weekend. About 1,400 of you are still subscribed to my old RSS feed from when I had my old blogspot address, and if you […]

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where are you now?

Last December, we did a bunch of “where are they now” updates from people who had had their questions answered here in the past year. It’s time for 2010’s version, so… If you’ve had your question answered here in the last year, please send me an update and let me know how your situation turned […]

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what do you want to talk to me about?

I’m doing a webinar over here soon, because I love webinars and am sort of becoming obsessed with them. It’s going to be either free or very low-cost. You’re going to be able to win things. Things from Apple. But the question is, what do you want the topic to be?

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victory: askamanager.com is mine!

After years of harassing the owner of the domain askamanager.com to sell it to me, victory has been achieved! I finally own askamanager.com, albeit at a somewhat extravagant expense. (Side note: People need to say “albeit” more. It’s a very useful word.) So now, the question:  What to do? It was only two months ago […]

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something nice — and interview guide is getting results!

A reader writes: I follow your blog religiously and I love it, although I’m a lurker and don’t comment (yet). I just wanted to send you a quick note to say that I have sent out your interview guide twice to friends of mine who have had upcoming job interviews. They both told me that […]

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loads of career advice without leaving your couch

If you’re in the job market, this is something you should know about: the Career Summit. The Career Summit is an virtual career conference that lasts for three weeks (October 26 – November 17). If you’re like me and hate leaving your house, the greatest thing about it is that you don’t even have to […]

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