
how not to pitch a blogger: for publicists

Thank you, but no, I do not want to receive a free copy of your book to review, or interview the author who you’re promoting, or reprint your press release about your product. As you may notice from reading my blog, I’ve never promoted a book (well, except my own), interviewed an author, or reprinted […]

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what can’t you not do, part 2

I once wrote an article in Maxim called “The Best Damn Pick-Up Guide Ever.” It was quite bad, filled with terrible advice and embarrassing animal metaphors (required by my editor). And if a young man ever approaches you in a bar by “accidentally” hitting you with a pool cue, he might be following my advice […]

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EmailYourInterviewer.com has generated more than 200 letters!

EmailYourInterviewer.com has now generated more than 200 letters to employers who never bothered to get back to job-seekers who interviewed with them! EmailYourInterviewer.com is a free service run by Ask a Manager that lets job-seekers generate an anonymous, polite letter to employers who interviewed them and then never responded to them in any way. If […]

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I have just deleted all but the most recent two weeks’ worth of emails in my in-box. As usual, I had fallen so far behind on answering questions that there was no chance I could ever catch up. So if you had sent me a question earlier that you are desperate for an answer to, […]

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Remembering William Wik

This post is part of Project 2,996, a bloggers’ tribute to the victims of September 11, 2001. I’ve been asked to write about William Wik. William Wik Billy Wik, 44 and his wife, Kathy, had three children, Tricia, Katie, and Danny. He worked for Aon Corp. as assistant director for risk management services. “I met […]

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should you call when a job posting says “no calls”?

In a comment on a recent post, Abby wrote: How do you feel about a job posting that specifically states “no phone calls”? Does it show blatant disregard if a candidate calls or is that person one step ahead of the rest because he/she is the only one calling? I feel it’s important to follow […]

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Ask a Manager needs your I.T. expertise

If you’re an expert in Apple Mail Scripts or otherwise a technical genius, and you want to help me create the You-Suck-As-An-Interviewer Automatic Letter Generator©, as described below, please email me. Together, we will shake the world of rude interviewers to its very core.

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