
advice recommendation: Tomato Nation’s The Vine

I hope I have you covered on the career/management advice front and you will never, ever need to look elsewhere, but if you enjoy reading advice on life in general, I have always thought The Washington Post‘s Carolyn Hax was indisputably where it’s at. And she still is, but I’ve finally discovered someone else who […]

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things I like

1. Tea, hot or iced 2. These sheets 3. Elinor Dashwood 4. Sriracha sauce 5. The pygmy slow loris 6. Watermelon agua frescas 7. “Freaks and Geeks” 8. Chaise lounges 9. My RSS reader — or anyone’s, really 10. This place Thanks for letting me impose on you. Now back to regular programming.

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blogs I like

Some of the sites I like and recommend — not a comprehensive list by any means: 1. Evil HR Lady. Evil HR Lady inspired me to start Ask a Manager two years ago, so blame her. She’s lazing around in Switzerland these days so not posting as much as she used to, but her archives […]

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and the winner of the contest is…

And the winner of the stupid interview questions contest is… Rebecca, who managed to work e.coli into her answer, always a winning strategy! Rebecca, please email me and let me know what product you’d like from CSN Office Furniture (up to a $125 value), along with your shipping address and phone number, and they’ll send […]

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no, I will not

No, I will not write your resume objective for you. If you don’t know your objective, I certainly don’t, and anyway, I don’t even believe in resume objectives. No, I will not give you the answer for your school paper. You should probably do some research. No, I will not critique your resume for you. […]

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a new home for the Carnival of HR

As many of you know, the Carnival of HR was started by the Evil HR Lady in February 2007 and quickly grew into a popular compilation of recent posts from the best of the HR and management blogging community. In September of last year, I became its temporary foster parent. And now we’re turning it […]

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my favorite posts of all time

Ask a Manager came into being two years ago today. I had no idea whether anyone would be interested in reading what I had to say, but that’s never stopped me from babbling before, and I’m glad it didn’t stop me this time. Thank you guys for reading and commenting and emailing and giving me […]

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I’ve fallen so far behind on answering questions that there’s no way I would ever catch up. So I’ve discarded the 200+ emails sitting in my in-box that were sent before March. My in-box now has only March emails, and I might actually be able to answer most of them. It feels good. If you […]

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It’s my book!

Soon to be here: the book I co-authored with Jerry Hauser, former COO of Teach for America and current head of The Mangement Center, which provides management coaching to nonprofits and is completely awesome. The book is called Managing to Change the World. It’s being published by The Management Center this month. It’s geared toward […]

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