poop. yes, poop. (sorry) by Alison Green on March 3, 2009 If you’ve ever wondered about issues related to on-the-job defecation, you’ll want to check out the amusing heated discussion going on at Punk Rock HR. On the other hand, I have heard there are some people who prefer not to think about such topics, so this may not be for you. As I mentioned in […] Read the full article →
how to get a job by being nice by Alison Green on February 5, 2009 Go read Rafael J. Hernandez’s post on “How To Get A Job By Being Nice.” It’s brilliant. Read the full article →
housekeeping items by Alison Green on January 16, 2009 Some random, miscellaneous stuff: 1. I’m interested in people’s experiences with 360 degree feedback systems, especially in organizations with smaller departments, where even the best efforts to preserve anonymity may be undone by the small staff size of the manager being evaluated. I’m intrigued by the idea of going in this direction but am concerned […] Read the full article →
vote for Ask a Manager by Alison Green on January 5, 2009 I’m a finalist for the 2008 Weblog Awards! You can vote for me in the Best Business Blog category here: http://2008.weblogawards.org/polls/best-business-blog/ Read the full article →
calling to follow up after applying for a job by Alison Green on December 24, 2008 A reader writes: Thanks in advance for your help. I have been applying online for jobs with no success. I never hear back although I am sure to be qualified for the positions I am applying for. My question is: Is it poor etiquette to call the local company and speak to a manager regarding […] Read the full article →
Carnival of HR by Alison Green on November 13, 2008 Welcome to the latest edition of the Carnival of HR, featuring 26 posts from the HR and management blogging community. Those who have gone before me have managed to find unifying themes. I am not that good or that creative, so I have no theme. I do, however, have some awesome posts. Read on. Wall […] Read the full article →
on balls and lack thereof by Alison Green on October 25, 2008 I’m not one to spend a lot of time agonizing about the gender politics of being a woman in a position of authority. Sure, I’m aware that certain things I do will come across to some people as “bitchy” when a man doing or saying the same things would come across as assertive. Oh well. […] Read the full article →
stuck in my backlog by Alison Green on September 29, 2008 I am now officially so far behind on answering questions that I have given up all hope of ever catching up. I have added a disclaimer to the sidebar warning that this may happen, yet I still feel strangely like a slacker. Read the full article →
following up when you have a friend on the inside by Alison Green on September 21, 2008 A reader writes: I have been out of the corporate world for two years. I have been a stay-at-home-mom and have only done some (very) PT work, here and there. But recently I have found myself in a position to where I need to return to work full-time. One of my best friends works for […] Read the full article →
Alltop’s new HR section by Alison Green on August 17, 2008 Hey, check out Alltop’s new HR section. (And big thanks to Alltop for including me in it!) If you don’t know Alltop yet, it’s pretty cool — they aggregate what they consider to be some of the top sites in a bunch of different categories, and display those site’s five most recent headlines. It’s a […] Read the full article →