
Carnival of HR

The latest Carnival of HR is now up, over at Compensation Force. Check it out! And the next Carnival will be hosted right here on January 9. Please send me your submissions by January 7.

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Carnival of HR #19

The latest Carnival of HR is up at HRO Manager. Check it out. For the record, I’m a she rather than a he, but I’m not complaining. Update: My gender has been corrected in the Carnival, but I’m leaving this here since the posts in the comments section are fascinating.

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when to follow up after an interview

A reader writes: I saw your blog and was wondering about something. I interviewed for a job Monday of last week. They said they wanted to hire someone as soon as possible but that they would let me know. I emailed thank you letters immediately the same day when I got home from the interview. […]

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