Carnival of HR #13 by Alison Green on August 9, 2007 The latest Carnival of HR is now up, over at Compensation Force. Check it out here. Read the full article →
Carnival of HR #12 by Alison Green on July 25, 2007 I’m excited to be hosting the Carnival of HR. Despite my best efforts to find a unifying theme for the posts like everyone before me has done, I am chagrined to confess that my best efforts got me nowhere. But that won’t distract from the fabulousness of the posts themselves, which I hereby present to […] Read the full article →
great post at 8 Hours & a Lunch by Alison Green on July 11, 2007 Deb Bowen at 8 Hours & a Lunch has a great post about looking at yourself if you’re unhappy with your job, instead of blaming your boss, your company, your parking spot. Read the full article →
next Carnival of HR: here on July 25 by Alison Green on July 11, 2007 I’m hosting the next Carnival of HR on July 25. Send your submissions to me at by July 23. You won’t be sorry. Read the full article →
Carnival of HR #10 by Alison Green on July 4, 2007 I’m late in announcing this due to being far away when it happened, but the Carnival of HR #10 is now up. Check it out here. Read the full article →
Carnival of HR #9 by Alison Green on June 14, 2007 The Carnival of HR #9 is now up at Gautam Ghosh‘s site. Check it out! Read the full article →
Carnival of HR #8 by Alison Green on May 31, 2007 The Carnival of HR #8 is up at 8 Hours & a Lunch. Go check it out! Read the full article →
Introduction by Alison Green on May 28, 2007 I manage a medium-sized, successful organization. I hire, fire, promote, manage, all that. If you’re not sure what the hell your manager is thinking, or how to ask for a raise, or whether you might be in danger of getting fired, or how to act in a second interview … ask away. I can’t promise […] Read the full article →