
Ugh, networking. It’s actually not as terrible as you think. Mostly.

how to find a mentor at work

You’ve probably read plenty of advice telling you to find a mentor – someone who can advise you on career decisions, help you navigate tricky politics, and generally help you succeed professionally. But how are you supposed to find this magical mentor? While you might have access to a formal mentoring program, or be courageous […]

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how the hell does networking work anyway?

A reader writes: Can you explain networking? I still don’t really get it. I have many years (decades) of experience and so fortunately, I know a lot of people, and the people I know tend to know a lot of people too. I have gotten jobs in the past through people I know, but it […]

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can I bring a baby to a networking coffee?

A reader writes: I can’t tell if the answer to this question is obviously “no” or if there is some leeway here. I am about to go out on maternity leave. I will have almost four months out of the office, and while I intend to spend time with the new baby, I’d also like […]

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how to tell your network you’re looking for a job

If you’re job searching, you’ve probably heard that one of the most effective things you can do is to use your network of connections to find job leads and make connections with hiring managers. But how do you actually reach out to your network and what do you say? Here are five keys to doing it […]

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with 3 networking duds in a row, am I doing something wrong?

A reader writes: I’m in my late 20s and have a somewhat close friend, “Jessica,” around the same age and in the same industry. She has since moved to another city, so we don’t see each other or talk often, but we’ve kept our professional relationship very strong through social media and LinkedIn, and have […]

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who should pay at a networking coffee or lunch?

A reader writes: After spending my 20s building my career in part by networking, I have now achieved sufficient professional success that I am being “networked with.” Over the past few months, I’ve had several young early-career professionals ask me politely if they can take me for coffee and pick my brain about how I […]

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