
my new employee keeps leaving early

A reader writes: I’m new to management and am building a new team. I’ve hired a few people, they are all settling in well, and the team is gelling. I’ve tried to set the expectation that team members can have a flexible schedule as long as work gets done. However, while people are ramping up, […]

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how to tell an overstepping employee to stay in their lane

A reader writes: I manage a large team. Their job descriptions and roles are pretty clear and specific, but one of our subject matter expects, “Jane,” is constantly questioning the work of other team members on projects she doesn’t have a stake in (and by default, my support for that work and the decisions being […]

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how to tell an employee there’s no room to move up

A reader writes: I supervise my firm’s receptionist, who has been here for just over two years. In her most recent annual self-evaluation, under the section which asks about career goals and training opportunities, she wrote that she “curious as to where I can go from a receptionist position.” This is the first time she […]

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my intern thinks he’s great at things he’s terrible at

A reader writes: I have an intern who is book smart and a very hard worker. But there’s one big problem: he’s bad at things he thinks he’s a superstar with. A few examples: – He thinks he’s an amazing writer, but his writing is awful. He misspells words, leaves out words, has no organization, […]

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Halloween costumes at work: where’s the line?

A reader writes: I’ve generally worked places where people like to dress up in costumes for Halloween, and sometimes I’ve wondered if I’m being too uptight or if my coworkers just have terrible judgment. I’ve seen people wear costumes that show a ton of skin (something I might wear to a bar but not to […]

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where are you now? (a call for updates)

At the end of each year, I publish a slew of “where are they now” updates from people whose questions I answered here in the past. In past years we’ve had several hundred each December and it’s been magnificent. If you’ve had your question answered here in the past, please email me an update and […]

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how should I respond to a complaint about my employee’s behavior outside of work?

A reader writes: I was in a popular online fitness forum last night when several posters complained about being doxxed by a popular Instagram fitness/weight-loss account. The influencer was looking up accounts that she felt had trolled her, trying to find their employers, calling the employer, and asking to speak to person’s manager. She complained […]

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my client refuses to pay my cancellation fee

A reader writes: I have a friend, Frank, who I met because we both enjoy certain sports. I only see Frank when I am involved in this sport, but it’s a small community so everyone knows each other. Because my business caters to this sport, Frank decided he would like to use my service. And […]

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