
my employee demands to know where I am at all times

A reader writes: I started a new management role three months ago and am managing a small team. One of my staff was under-performing when I started, and one of my directives was to get them on a coaching plan, which I have. As a result, they have made complaints that I’m out to get […]

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my employee says she has “pregnancy brain”

A reader writes: My lead administrative assistant, who is normally fantastic, is pregnant. In the past few weeks, she has made some very significant errors, two of which in particular have ended up causing a good bit of drama, increasing workload for others in my department, and also costing our organization a not-insignificant chunk of […]

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how to tell my employee I made a mistake with a client

A reader writes: My employee, Joe, met with a client, Alice, who had previously met with me before Joe started in his role). I know that my meeting with Alice went poorly — she was making unreasonable requests and displayed a level of inflexibility that I knew would not get her where she needed, but […]

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a coworker I’m helping with a project is wasting my time

A reader writes: I’m helping a colleague, Lucinda, with a project – something we need to do, but it’s tedious and never urgent so it’s dragged on. Lucinda is bright and does great work, but we have different styles. She talks a lot without saying much, whereas I prefer a short, direct email. I’ve heard […]

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my employee keeps making meaningless edits to my work

A reader writes: I am a new manager who is quite a bit younger than my employees. One employee has developed an annoying trait of “doctoring” all my documents that I send out. For example, if I write a policy and procedure for one of our tasks, he’ll go through and make minor changes — […]

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