
how to tell a pushy networker to back off

A reader writes: I’m increasingly finding myself in a place where newer professionals are asking to talk about getting started after school, or asking for advice. I always jump at the chance to help however I can and I’m universally flattered when anyone asks to meet with me. I’m struggling, however, with one person who […]

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I accidentally ghosted a client

A reader asks: I recently took on a freelance web design project at an hourly rate. However, I ran into some issues that I hadn’t anticipated having to deal with, and my anxiety got the better of me after we had to cancel a meeting a few weeks ago, and I haven’t responded to any […]

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my coworkers interrupt me no matter what I’m doing

A reader writes: I work in a small organization of about 25 people. I was promoted a few years ago. Now that I am the official conduit to the owner, the staff come to me to ask questions, throw around ideas, and chat about their lives. In most respects, this works fine. The owner and […]

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my employee is pregnant but hasn’t said anything

A reader writes: I recently found out through the grapevine (social media) that an employee is pregnant and expecting later this year. However, she hasn’t said anything to me or management (but she’s known for at least a few weeks). How should I proceed? I answer this question — and three others — over at […]

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is it OK for my employee to do needlepoint in meetings?

A reader writes: I manage an engineer, Jane, who is doing an excellent job during the first six months in her new role on my team. Two weeks ago, I joined her for a technical meeting. As I walked into the conference room, she was working on a needlepoint project. I’ll admit I was initially […]

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the managers who feel personally betrayed when workers quit

Quitting a job is supposed to be business, not personal—but my inbox is full of letters from people whose managers are deeply aggrieved by their resignations, take it as a personal betrayal,  and respond with either fury or despair. At Slate today, I wrote about these managers — and why this is just as bananas […]

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