
I can’t recommend the colleague who listed me as a reference

A reader writes: One of my coworkers was laid off two weeks ago. She was an easy choice because her work and attitude weren’t great. Her office was next to mine so we’d have friendly conversations every day and I got along with her, but she yelled at her team constantly and wasn’t available to […]

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do we have to accommodate a dieting employee?

A reader writes: I know that we need to accommodate employees with dietary restrictions due to health or religious needs, but what about employees who choose to go on diets? I have a colleague, Collette, who has been willingly doing a Keto diet for the last year, and she still is insufferable about it. Anytime […]

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my anxious employee wants daily reassurance

A reader writes: I manage a small team, including one employee who joined us somewhat recently. This is her first time doing the kind of work that we do, and training from afar isn’t ideal (we work remotely), but she’s learning and progressing well. I give her positive feedback on her work, along with corrections […]

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can I tell my intern she laughs too much?

A reader writes: I manage an intern who tends to respond with short bursts of laughter at incongruous times, like when I am explaining something to her or when I am giving her directions (and I’m not trying to be funny!). It can be pretty jarring. I noticed it during her interview, but chalked it […]

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my employee cc’s me on too many emails

A reader writes: I’m a director of a busy company. I receive upward of 1,000 emails a day, with 75% of them for awareness only but necessary nonetheless. I have a report who manages a team of nine, all remotely. He copies me on everything — from meeting response notifications to emails to his employees […]

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I joked about a coworker’s slowness … and he overheard

A reader writes: I am the manager of a small group. I sometimes work with non-management staff outside my group, one of whom is an exceedingly capable, but idiosyncratic, person, “Karl.” He is very focused and will go far above and beyond to make sure that everything is clear, organized, and exactly right. This is […]

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you can’t escape the office diet police

We all know the office diet police: the people who say, “Don’t you know that’s terrible for you?” as if you’d chosen Flamin’ Hot Cheetos for their nutritional value … “Oh, I see we’re being naughty today!” as you eat a slice of cake … and, if you choose something heathy, “Ugh, another salad—you need […]

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how to respond to a volatile rejected job applicant

A reader writes: I have a question regarding job applicants who, after being interviewed and rejected more than once, apply over and over again. I have one applicant who has been interviewed twice, rejected twice, and keeps sending new applications. The first time she was interviewed was two years ago by our recruitment coordinator, and […]

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my employee keeps commenting on my looks

A reader writes: How can I best respond to an employee of mine about his frequent inappropriate comments about my body and looks? I’m worried about inadvertently devolving into “you think I’m hot” territory or drawing even more attention to my body, which makes me very, very uncomfortable. Some recent comments/actions include “You’re bringing sexy […]

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