
how to respond to “jokes” about age and weight at work

A reader writes: I’m a manager with several supervisors under me. A supervisor was “teased” by one team member for being overweight and by a different one for being “old.” Prior to these comments, the supervisor had told me that she’s watching what she eats and is trying to lose weight. She’s about my age […]

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my employee doesn’t read her email

A reader writes: I supervise a manager who is in most respects a great manager. She does an excellent job of coaching her team, but she has difficulty getting to all her emails in a timely manner. We’ve talked several times about the need to delegate and to review all emails within 24 hours, and […]

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my employee doesn’t have what it takes to do the job he wants

A reader writes: I’m in a tricky spot with a long-time employee, “Bob,” and I need advice on how to deliver a potentially devastating piece of feedback: “You just don’t have what it takes to succeed in this role.” Bob is interested in growing from his current position into a more senior role. He has […]

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my employee texts me late at night

A reader writes: One of my employees texts me at 10:45 pm. I’m wondering how I can firmly but fairly lay down boundaries and let her know it’s not okay or respectful of my free time to message so late. I answer this question — and three others — over at Inc. today, where I’m […]

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summer internship season is upon us

With summer internship season in full swing, your workplace may be experiencing an influx of young people who don’t quite know how work works yet. This is often delightful! Interns can bring new ideas, fresh energy, and an ability to explain what brat summer is. But part of hosting interns is accepting that they often […]

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my employee is monitoring other people’s work

A reader writes: We are a semi-remote team that uses a project management system to keep our workflow organized and distribute assignments. One of my employees, Jane, feels it is necessary to look at everyone’s work on this system and comment on it. She also uses it as a tool to fuel her immense paranoia […]

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how to tell coworkers, “that’s not my job”

A reader writes: I have been employed with my agency for five years. Six months ago, I was promoted, but no one was hired to take over my old job. Some duties have remained with me and others were transferred to other people, primarily a great support person named Robin. We has communicated with the […]

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my office has a sticker chart for our feelings

A reader writes: I work in an office of a large company. The work my team does is often stressful, so sometimes staff morale suffers. The managers of my team have created a feelings chart that has giant emoji representing various levels of being happy, stressed, and angry. There are stickers of all our names […]

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