
Everything you need to know about job references — who to ask to speak on your behalf, what they’ll be asked, what to do about a bad reference, and more.

backing out of a promise to be a reference

A reader writes: How do you renege on a promise? I gave a problem employee a promise to be a reference and even wrote one up for her. I am new to management and came by it unprepared. I became pregnant last year and am now a new mom and running a small retail store. […]

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when you can’t recommend a friend for a job

A reader writes: I have a friend (kinda) who applied for a position at the hotel I work at. It would be working directly with me. I did not and would not recommend her for this position. I know she is not a good fit. She applied, put my name down, and got an interview. […]

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employer won’t give job references

A reader writes: I have recently been on two interviews with a company. “When can you start” and “will this salary be acceptable” have been discussed. My issue is that my former employer of 12 years has a strict reference policy that only allows them to confirm dates of employment and salary. I provided additional […]

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is my old manager sabotaging my job search?

A reader write: I recently retired from a job that I had been at for more than 30 years. For most of that time, I had the same manager. In the last few years, we had a new manager and it was no longer a happy place to work. During that time, I ended ended […]

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listing yourself as a job reference

I need to call your immediate attention to this comment from M. left on a recent post: In the last year, many (candidates) have been listing their mothers as references, and I even had one student last week list HERSELF as a reference. Has anyone else ever seen this? Listing yourself as a reference is […]

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can I use my ex as a job reference?

A reader writes: On the application I have been asked to return immediately before what appears to be my final interview, it asks for three references that are not relatives or former employers. I would like to use my ex-wife, but I am concerned if this may be acceptable from the eyes of a recruiter. […]

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4 biggest myths about job references

I get a lot of mail with misconceptions about job references — how they work, who gets called, and what they can say. Here are the four biggest myths about references that I encounter regularly. References are old-school; no one uses them anymore. Don’t listen to people who tell you that in the “new economy,” […]

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company dragging its feet on reference-checking?

A reader writes: I am trying to find out how long, on average, it would take for a company to check my three references they requested. I have recently checked in with all my references and none has heard anything from that company (no call, email, any contact). It’s been three weeks since I forwarded […]

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how to explain previous boss was demented?

A reader writes: My last job was really successful and exciting and I would love to talk about it at length with future employers since I think it’s very interesting and highlights a lot of my strengths. I started as an unpaid intern and was promoted to paid assistant within two months. I had a […]

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