
Everything you need to know about job references — who to ask to speak on your behalf, what they’ll be asked, what to do about a bad reference, and more.

are you making these job reference mistakes?

It turns out that it’s possible for your references to diminish your chance of getting the job without even saying a word. Here’s a recent experience I had when checking the references of two candidates I had been torn between. Candidate #1 gave me the phone numbers of three former managers. I reached each of […]

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are bad references stored in a database?

A reader writes: When I recently applied for a job, I gave my former boss’ name on an employment form as supervisor. I was under the impression they would check only my personal references and limit discussions with my former company to dates, salary, job role. However I am under the impression my former boss […]

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interviewer wants reference from current employer

A reader writes: I am in the midst of applying for a new job. I have interviewed three times with a prospective employer and have been told that I am one of the final candidates for the position. The HR rep contacted me and asked if they can contact my current manager/supervisor for a reference. […]

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references when a company goes under

A reader writes: Since my last employer is going out of business (Circuit City), how would I list the information on my resume? I want to list it because it was valuable experience for the field I want to go into. And even if I list the information, how will employers verify my employment there? […]

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job-searching after being let go

A reader writes: August 29, 2008 – After working for this IT services company for 2.5 years, I was taken into the boss’s office and told that the money was bad and business was scarce. My boss cut me from 40 hours per week down to 20 hours per week to save the company money. […]

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when you can’t give a positive reference

I love to serve as a job reference for most former employees. But I’ve also occasionally been asked to be a reference for employees who I can’t honestly recommend. Here are some ways to handle reference requests when you can’t recommend the candidate: 1. Whenever possible, warn the employee in advance that you won’t be […]

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can I make the company give me THEIR references?

Yep, a Black Friday extravaganza: three posts in one day. A reader writes: After the second interview, when an interview requests my references, is it ever possible to turn around and also ask the interviewer for references from the prospective company? I would only do this if (1) I am really sure that I want […]

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checking references without intent to make an offer

A reader writes: Do potential employers ever check a/some/all candidates’ references with no intent to present an offer to a/some/all of the candidate(s)? And where is the reference check in relation to the rest of the candidate choosing process? Only if they’re insane. Checking the references of a candidate you have no interest in hiring […]

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stop sending me recommendation letters

Please stop with the letters of recommendation! Don’t attach them to your resume and don’t offer them up at the interview. I know you feel good about them but, unfortunately, they aren’t useful. Here’s why: When hiring managers get to the point that we want to talk to your references, we want to talk to […]

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protecting references from overload

A reader writes: I am always on a job prowl and, thus, in need of references. I read that it’s good to give references the job descriptions and updates so they can be prepared to give a good reference. However, as I am doing a wide sweeping job search, I am reluctant to email them […]

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