
Everything you need to know about job references — who to ask to speak on your behalf, what they’ll be asked, what to do about a bad reference, and more.

questions from a recent grad

A reader writes: I am a recent grad, working as a full-time intern in the field of my undergrad major. I couldn’t have asked for a more nurturing and empathetic department; they give me semi-challenging jobs, find time to answer my questions, give me many opportunities to take initiative, and really prioritize me to have […]

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dealing with a bad reference

One of the most common questions I receive here is what to do about a previous boss who is likely to give you a bad reference. First, yes, it’s legal for an employer to give a negative reference as long as it’s factually accurate. It’s true that some companies have policies that they will only […]

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will attitude affect references?

A reader writes: Since I graduated University six years ago, I have worked for a large health care organization in several different roles. Shortly after I started the job that I am currently in, I experienced several major upheavals in my life during a very short time frame. I am not using these events as […]

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fear of abusive former boss giving reference

A reader writes: Due to a very emotionally abusive work environment, I decided I could no longer wait for another offer (I had been trying for several months with no success), as my physical and mental health were imperiled, and quit my job. But now I face the very, very uncomfortable situation of potential employees […]

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prospective employer called current employer

A reader writes: I recently interviewed for a position in a company that is opening a new branch in my area in the early fall. I went through the entire interview process, a phone interview and then meetings with 2 HR reps, a branch manager and a VP. Everything went great. I was very clear […]

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excelling in end stages of hiring process

A reader writes: I’ve got a second round (final) interview for a state agency department district director position next Monday. I had been told the top 2 candidates would be moving on to this second round, so I assume that I am a good position here and want to make the best possible impression. I’ve […]

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references and the importance of giving notice

It makes me very happy when other people do my work for me, as a reader named Ayan just did, with the comment she left on an earlier post I did on references. She writes: We recently interviewed a woman who wanted to leave the university system and work in the private sector (for us). […]

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didn’t give full two weeks notice

A reader writes: I quit my first job out of college after staying at a company for a year because I found a new opportunity. However, I did not give a full two weeks notice. I told my manager the day he came back from a vacation and by that time, I had to start […]

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the scoop on references

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about references lately and I’m getting tired of typing the same answers to them, so I am hereby presenting answers to all of them at once. Is it legal for a former employer to give me a bad reference? It’s legal for an employer to give a negative […]

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how long does negative personnel info stay in your records?

A reader writes: Is it true that negative information is suppose to be off an employment record after 5 years and if so how do you go about getting it removed? Nope, not true. Companies can keep employee files for as long as they want. (In fact, government regulations require that employers keep them for […]

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