
Everything you need to know about job references — who to ask to speak on your behalf, what they’ll be asked, what to do about a bad reference, and more.

did I make the right call in rejecting this job candidate?

A reader writes: I am a training manager for an independent cell phone retailer. Basically, I make sure all new hires in my district have their new hire paperwork filled out so I can fax it to our home office, and train them on store operations and customer service at my store location before we […]

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how can I be a great reference for a former coworker?

A reader writes: A former coworker reached out to me via LinkedIn recently to ask if I’d be willing to serve as a reference for him during his job search. He is leaving the company where I used to work in a role that was semi-managerial. He was a great coworker and valuable member of […]

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giving a reference for a brilliant but abusive former manager

A reader writes: My supervisor was recently moved out of my department and I believed she would be looking for new jobs. Lo and behold, I get an email from an out-of-state colleague saying she has applied for the director position there, and would I be able to unofficially tell him anything about her? He […]

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are your job references in order?

Job candidates often hand over lists of references without much thought to the people they’ve included. But references can play a big role in hiring, so it’s worth being thoughtful and strategic about who you include. Who makes the best reference? The best reference is someone who managed your work and will speak glowingly of you. […]

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employers that ask for references but never call them

A reader writes: I have a question that’s more of a curiosity than a pressing concern, since I’m currently happily employed. When I was searching for a job, I had two in-person interviews (each preceded by a phone interview) that seemed to go really well. Both teams of interviewers asked me for references, which I […]

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references for bad employees

A reader writes: This past summer, I worked as a supervisor for a pool management company, meaning that I oversaw the operations of nine neighborhood pools and managed about 50-60 life guards. Since this is often the first job they have, lifeguards do not always come with a sound work ethic. Recently — after the […]

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