
Everything you need to know about salary — how to figure out what you should be earning, how to negotiate it, what to do if you’re lowballed, and much more.

the new overtime pay law is here (for real this time)

The U.S. Department of Labor issued a final ruling today on the question of what salary level should make workers exempt from overtime pay, and here it is: If you earn less than $35,568, then starting on January 1, 2020 you must be paid overtime (time and a half) when you work more than 40 hours […]

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will it hurt me if my current salary is much less than a job’s posted range?

A reader writes: You’ve made clear your thoughts regarding employment applications that request the applicant’s current salary. One concern I saw mentioned frequently in the comments is the fear that employers might reject a candidate applying for a lower-paid position, thinking that person will be out of their price range. I have the opposite question. […]

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should recruiters tell you up-front what a job pays?

A reader writes: How common is it for recruiters to disclose salary range for positions when they reach out to you? I’ve heard colleagues who have professions that are highly technical and in demand talk about how recruiters have disclosed salary ranges to them for the openings they are recruiting for. This has helped my […]

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another salary negotiation success story

A reader writes: I just wanted to share a my recent success story with you. I started an admin role about nine months ago, thinking that it would be an in to a field I was interested in. I quickly learned that I not only find admin work mind-numbingly boring, I’m also not very good […]

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share your salary negotiation success stories

In response to last week’s salary negotiation success story, people asked for more salary success stories. So: In the comments, share your stories of successfully asking for and getting more money, either as part of a job offer or when asking for a raise. Be as specific as possible — what did you say, how […]

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should you tell your coworkers how much money you earn?

When was the last time you talked with colleagues about how much money you earn? If you’re like most people, your answer is “never.” As a society, we’re incredibly weird about talking about how much we earn. It feels gauche or intrusive to ask other people what they make, and a lot of us feel […]

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