
Everything you need to know about salary — how to figure out what you should be earning, how to negotiate it, what to do if you’re lowballed, and much more.

should I be worried I’m overpaid?

A reader writes: I started working for a for-profit corporation after years of working for nonprofits. My current salary at the for-profit was already a significant raise from my previous job – which I am very grateful for. One of my direct reports was making about 15% more than me, but I didn’t care: he’s […]

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should I use a job offer to get a raise at my current job?

A reader writes: I’ve worked in development at a significant cultural institution for over a decade. I’m frequently told I’m an essential member of the team and that things would fall apart without me. Two years in a row now I’ve been told to expect a promotion, and then asked to wait until the following year […]

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what should a salary negotiation sound like?

This week on the Ask a Manager podcast, I talk to a guest who’s wondering about salary negotiation — how to do it, what to say, and what kind of tone to use. This episode is 18 minutes long, and here’s the letter: I would really appreciate a good in-depth lesson on negotiating salaries. I […]

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how to ask for a raise

If you’re like a lot of people, it’s been quite a while since you’ve asked for a raise – or maybe you’ve never asked. Surprisingly, given how much most of us appreciate money, a ton of people have never asked for a higher salary, because they feel awkward about initiating the conversation, or they’re worried […]

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should employees have to ask for a raise?

A reader writes: I’m a manager of a large team, and I recently found myself in a disagreement about an issue with another manager: Should an employee have to ask in order to get a raise? I’ve always felt it’s incredibly important for employees to ask for the raises they want — ideally, that means […]

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