employers say they appreciate that I tried to negotiate salary, but they won’t budge by Alison Green on January 6, 2017 A reader writes: I wonder if there is some critical flaw in my negotiation strategy that’s making employers not take me seriously. With the last two jobs I’ve been offered (both in the last year), I have tried to negotiate on flexible scheduling and/or salary. For the first, I had a great interview and a […] Read the full article →
how much should years of service matter when setting salaries? by Alison Green on November 10, 2016 A reader writes: I have a question about how much value is placed on years of service vs. actual job duties. I started at my current job 10 years ago, under a coworker who had already been there 20 years. Initially, he was my manager, but as I took on additional responsibilities over the years […] Read the full article →
the new overtime law means I’ll be earning the same as much more junior people by Alison Green on November 7, 2016 Note: The new law discussed in this post was blocked the day before it was set to go into effect. A reader writes: Last year I used a job offer to negotiate for a promotion from teapot coordinator to teapot manager, and a pay raise. My new salary happens to be just above the cutoff […] Read the full article →
why did this company lead me on about salary? by Alison Green on November 3, 2016 A reader writes: I recently had a bizarre interview experience and was hoping you may be able to provide some clarity to the situation. I applied for a job that’s the same title as the one I currently hold, but at another company that’s similar in many ways to one I’m currently working at. I […] Read the full article →
are you ready for the new overtime law? by Alison Green on October 31, 2016 Note: The new law discussed in this post was blocked the day before it was set to go into effect. One month from tomorrow, on December 1, a major change to U.S. overtime laws will go into effect – and might result in changes in your paycheck and your work schedule. Here are answers to […] Read the full article →
a salary negotiation success story, with lessons by Alison Green on October 28, 2016 Here’s a great letter from a reader: I wanted to share a happy ending to an unusual salary negotiation, because I think it shows how you can apply good principles even in a situation that’s an exception to the rule. Back in June, I was offered a job doing exactly the kind of work I […] Read the full article →
an employer asked me the lowest salary I’d accept, rejected me, and then refused to keep talking by Alison Green on October 19, 2016 A reader writes: This is a puzzler for me: I recently had a third party recruiter get me in touch again with the hiring manager of a position I had applied and interviewed for but got passed over for earlier this year. I was excited for the second chance since this was my dream company, […] Read the full article →
my male coworker makes more money than I do by Alison Green on October 4, 2016 A reader writes: I am a lady-type person, and I’ve been with my tech-industry employer for about a year and a half. I work in a customer-service-type role as liaison between a handful of regular customers and engineers/developers. I am one of a two-person team in this role. My previous teammate, officially the Team Lead, […] Read the full article →
5 things to do differently if you want to earn more money by Alison Green on October 3, 2016 Ever wonder if you could be earning more money if you handled salary negotiations and raise discussions differently? Salary is one of those things that most people feel incredibly anxious about discussing with their employer – despite how crucial it is to your every day quality of life. Here are five things that you should […] Read the full article →
company told me their job offer is “take it or leave it” by Alison Green on September 30, 2016 A reader writes: I’m in an unusual negotiating situation that I’d appreciate your advice on. I received an offer from a company that I had been interviewing with over the course of almost four months. They are a multinational firm with many international employees, and the role is a mid-senior level position in one of […] Read the full article →