a salary negotiation success story by Alison Green on September 23, 2016 A note from a reader to end the week and inspire you to negotiate your next job offer: I’ve been job searching for some time to get out of my current unfulfilling position. With your help, I wrote what I would say was a great cover letter, interviewed well, and was offered the job! The […] Read the full article →
where’s the raise I was promised months ago? by Alison Green on August 19, 2016 A reader writes: This past May, I went to my manager to discuss a raise. I told her that I had been approached about two job opportunities that are paying about $15k more than what I’m making now. I’m happy in my role and not looking to make a change — and I told her […] Read the full article →
my friend was horrified that I asked an interviewer what the job pays by Alison Green on August 11, 2016 A reader writes: I work in media. About a year ago, I saw a job listing for a position at a prestigious company that looked like it would be a good fit, so I reached out to a contact who worked at the company, she passed on my resume to the hiring manager, and they […] Read the full article →
ask all your questions about the new overtime law here by Alison Green on August 8, 2016 Note: The new law discussed in this post was blocked the day before it was set to go into effect. Do you have questions about what the new overtime law will mean for you? There’s a round-up of reader questions about this below, and you’re welcome to leave your own questions in the comments; I’ll […] Read the full article →
the first state has made it illegal to ask about salary history by Alison Green on August 8, 2016 Job seekers in Massachusetts will no longer have to disclose their salary history to prospective employers in order to be considered for a job, thanks to a new pay equity law signed this week. The law, which goes into effect in July 2018, makes it illegal for employers to ask job applicants what they’ve earned […] Read the full article →
what to do if you’re being paid less than male coworkers by Alison Green on July 20, 2016 I receive lots of letters about how to ask for a raise. One piece of advice I’ve given over and over is to base your raise request on your own work and not to use your coworker’s salary as an argument for why you should be paid more. But there’s one big exception to that: […] Read the full article →
I think I completely messed up this salary negotiation by Alison Green on June 30, 2016 A reader writes: I had an first-round interview for a job yesterday that went very well until they asked, “So, are you willing to be flexible on salary? Because we have to be honest, your desired salary is significantly higher than what we’ve budgeted for.” I’ve since done my research (which, admittedly, I should’ve done […] Read the full article →
I lost an offer over salary, and I’m regretting holding firm during negotiations by Alison Green on June 16, 2016 A reader writes: A while ago, I had a really excellent interview with a company that advertised a salary range of below my current salary to above my current salary. I was so impressed with the team and manager that I decided that if I was given an offer, I would accept getting paid at […] Read the full article →
I guessed at a salary range for a job, overshot, and got rejected by Alison Green on May 30, 2016 A reader writes: After applying for a position, the hiring manager (who would also be my supervisor) emailed me saying that she wanted to interview me and asked me about my salary expectations. I researched average salaries for the position ($53k) and got back to her expressing my interest in the position, suggesting a few […] Read the full article →
the new overtime pay rules are here — if you earn less than $47,476, read this by Alison Green on May 18, 2016 Note: The new law discussed in this post was blocked the day before it was set to go into effect. The new overtime rules that we’ve been talking about here for the last month were finally released by the Department of Labor today. This is no longer speculation; these rules are now final and will go […] Read the full article →