
Everything you need to know about salary — how to figure out what you should be earning, how to negotiate it, what to do if you’re lowballed, and much more.

a real-life conversation about salary with a hiring manager

A reader writes: A short, sweet note about how I used your advice to tackle salary talk during an initial phone chat with the hiring manager: Hiring manager: While we’re talking about cost of living, can I ask your salary expectation for the role? Me: (casual laugh) Actually, I was just about to ask you […]

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how much paid time off do you get?

Last week was the annual Ask a Manager salary survey, which as of this writing received more than 12,000 responses. This week, let’s compare paid time off. Fill out the form below to anonymously share how much paid time off you get, in the context of your field and other relevant factors. (Do not leave […]

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how much money do you make?

It’s hard to get real-world information about what jobs pay. Online salary websites are often inaccurate, and people can get weird when you ask them directly. So to take some of the mystery out of salaries, it’s the annual Ask a Manager salary survey. Fill out the form below to anonymously share your salary and […]

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can I threaten legal action to get a better job offer?

A reader writes: TLDR: I was given a lowball job offer. I said it was less than my previous total comp, which it was. I was asked my previous salary and, stupidly, gave it. Asking salary history is illegal in the nearest city and that may or may not cover me. Can I use the […]

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