
Everything you need to know about salary — how to figure out what you should be earning, how to negotiate it, what to do if you’re lowballed, and much more.

how to avoid giving employers your salary history

Few parts of the job searching process cause job seekers more anxiety than discussions about salary: How much money should you ask for? Why won’t the employer name a number first? And worst of all: Will the employer want to tie your salary offer to what you’ve earned in the past, even if your past […]

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how much money do you make?

That’s a pretty crass headline, isn’t it? Which is exactly the point. People don’t like to be asked what they make, and so it’s hard to find real-world information about what jobs pay, tailored to a particular industry and geographic level. Online salary websites are often inaccurate, probably because they generally don’t account for the […]

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don’t make these 8 mistakes when negotiating salary

Unless you’re different than 99.3% of the population, you love getting a job offer but hate negotiating salary. The process is fraught with worries that you’ll ask for a number that’s too low or too high, that the employer will try to lowball you in their offer, or that you won’t even know how to evaluate […]

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the salary I was offered was a bait and switch

A reader writes: I have been talking to another department about an internal move. When I first talked to the hiring manager, he told me the pay would be $83K with 10% bonus. (I am currently making $54k.) When I saw the offer letter yesterday, it was for $70K with 4% bonus. The explanation I […]

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why employers won’t name a salary range first

So why the hell do so many employers refuse to name a salary range but insist that job candidates do so? Why not just list a salary range up-front in the job ad? Employers who advertise a job but refuse to say what it pays are one of the biggest frustrations of job-seekers Adding to the […]

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how often do most companies give raises?

A reader writes: I have been reading your blog since I got laid off. However, I have a job now—project manager in a oversea-headquartered international technology company. YAY! Although the salary is way lower than I asked for, I took it because I know I didn’t have relevant experience in this industry or as a […]

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how to answer questions about your salary expectations

Most job seekers are eager to hear employers talk about the salary for a job but are hesitant to discuss their own salary expectations – rightfully fearing that they may inadvertently undercut themselves or ask for something wildly outside a company’s budget. But increasingly, employers are demanding that candidates talk salary first, before they show […]

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