why you shouldn’t use counteroffers to prevent employees from leaving by Alison Green on September 24, 2012 You thought your week was going smoothly, but then one of your key employees walked into your office and announced that she’s resigning. If you’re like many managers, you panic and start thinking about what you can offer to get her to stay. Stop right there. Making a counteroffer to stop an employee from taking […] Read the full article →
how do I tell an employer I’d need a stipend to do an internship? by Alison Green on September 13, 2012 A reader writes: A connection of mine, through my alma mater, sent on my resume for an internship gig. A couple days later, the internship guy (Bob) contacted me for an interview the following week. Yesterday I went on this interview, and he gave me the internship right on the spot, to start next Wednesday. […] Read the full article →
I was promised a raise and promotion … 3 years ago by Alison Green on September 5, 2012 A reader writes: I have am at a loss about what to do in this situation. Any advice would be great! I work for a mid-size nonprofit doing fundraising. I have been here for 3+ years now in a position that was a lateral move from my previous job. When I started, I took the […] Read the full article →
how much should you ask for when you ask for a raise? by Alison Green on August 14, 2012 A reader writes: I am thinking of having a salary review meeting to discuss a raise. I know to come armed with my list of accomplishments, what I bring to the company, etc. (all the good advice from your previous salary posts). But should I also be prepared to name a specific number/percentage, and if […] Read the full article →
what to say when you negotiate salary by Alison Green on July 19, 2012 A reader writes: I just went back over your archive for salaries and read all the posts regarding initial salary negotiation. I’ve also read a bunch of stuff about women not negotiating at all when hired — or appearing to seem too aggressive when they do ask. I am willing to negotiate for a salary […] Read the full article →
my employer has stupid rules for raises when you get promoted by Alison Green on July 14, 2012 A reader writes: A year ago, I accepted a position at a global nonprofit. Once I got the salary offer, I did detailed research and crafted an excellent argument as to why I deserved a $2,000 increase in the salary that was offered to me. After presenting my argument, the recruiter was impressed, but told […] Read the full article →
why you’re not getting the salary you want by Alison Green on July 2, 2012 If you’re not getting the salary you think you deserve, one of these might be the explanation: 1. You didn’t negotiate well when you were hired. There’s a lot of variation in whether and how people negotiate salary when they get a job offer. Some people accept on the spot, others push for a little more […] Read the full article →
how to ask for a raise by Alison Green on June 13, 2012 You would like more money from your employer! Here’s how to ask for a raise. 1. Start by understanding the market rate for your work. In order to build a case for a raise, you need to know how much is reasonable to ask for. How much would your work go for on the open […] Read the full article →
10 salary negotiating mistakes you need to avoid by Alison Green on May 30, 2012 Not much makes job seekers more anxious than negotiating – or even talking about –salary. After all, you might ask for too much, or ask for too little, or otherwise sabotage your own chances of getting the best possible salary. But salary negotiation will go more smoothly if you know what landmines to avoid. When […] Read the full article →
what’s the etiquette of getting a bonus? by Alison Green on May 18, 2012 A reader writes: I am only a few years out of school, working my first long-term job. I’ve recently been doing some above-and-beyond work for my employer, and a senior coworker mentioned that this sort of work is often rewarded with a bonus. I’ve never received a bonus before, and I’m hoping you would be […] Read the full article →