
Everything you need to know about salary — how to figure out what you should be earning, how to negotiate it, what to do if you’re lowballed, and much more.

manager wants to take back my raise

A reader writes: My boss gave me a raise to do the schedule when the manager of our call center quit. Now that he has hired a manager, he wants to take the raise back. I told him it wasn’t fair and he said he would talk to me about it later. That was 2 […]

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can I ask for a retroactive raise?

A reader writes: I am wondering how to go about asking for retro pay and debating whether or not it’s fair of me to ask.  I love my job and have recently returned from maternity leave, but I’ve taken on more responsibilities, including another complete position (to cover another’ s maternity leave!) on top of […]

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asking about salary freeze at an all-employee meeting

I’m really testing you guys today on how many posts you can tolerate from me in a single day, but the answer to this one is short. A reader writes: The company I work for has about 200 employees and is part of a larger corporation. Merit raises for everyone have been on hold since […]

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where is my promised raise?

A reader writes: At my one year review, my boss gave me a pay raise. I noticed on my following pay stub it didn’t show up. I asked her about it and she said to remind her before the next pay day. I did, still no raise. I asked her again and she said it […]

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how to research what salary you should ask for

At some point in your job search, you’re going to be asked what salary range you’re looking for. You’ve probably read that you should try to avoid naming a number at first, but the reality is that employers are going to ask, and you’ll usually have to answer. In fact, many online applications these days […]

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bad career advice and salary negotiation

Prepare yourself for a rant. I’m frequently annoyed by some of the bad job advice that’s out there, and there’s one thing in particular really irking me right now:  “career advisors” who write long articles blithely telling you how to avoid discussing your salary requirements in a job search, with absolutely no acknowledgement of the […]

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10 tips for negotiating a raise

When’s the last time you asked for a raise? If you’re like most people, it’s been a while – in large part because it’s an intimidating conversation to have. Here are 10 do’s and don’t’s to make the conversation go smoothly 1. Pick your timing carefully. Check out these right and wrong times to ask for […]

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