the federal government has proposed new overtime rules that could boost your paycheck by Alison Green on September 7, 2023 Last week, the federal government announced a big proposed change to the rules that govern who must receive overtime pay. If it becomes law, your employer would be required to pay you overtime (time and a half for all hours over 40 that you work in a week) unless you earn at least $55,068 annually – […] Read the full article →
a real-life salary negotiation success story by Alison Green on August 31, 2023 A salary negotiation success story from a reader: In all the years I’ve been reading your column, I have never ever managed to get the gumption up to negotiate salary. I was laid off in February (just after closing on a house!) so I knew I’d need to get something quick. Severance didn’t last long […] Read the full article →
my coworkers want me to turn down my raise by Alison Green on August 23, 2023 A reader writes: I work for a company with about 30 employees. We used to have five people in owner/management roles and things ran pretty well, but four left in the last year mostly due to the difficult personality of the remaining manager, Mo. Mo became the sole owner but did not want to pick […] Read the full article →
here’s a real-life example of an email asking for a raise by Alison Green on July 27, 2023 I recently received this letter from a reader: I’m a long-time reader of your site. I’ve got several part-time jobs — some of which I’ve been with for a very long time, and I’ve known that I was very underpaid relative to the skills I bring. And I finally reached the point where I was ready […] Read the full article →
I just found out I’m seriously underpaid — now what? by Alison Green on July 11, 2023 A reader writes: I think I need a reality check because I just don’t know how I should be feeling about this. I work for a very large company (100,000+ employees). I started nine years ago as an intern and have been promoted twice since then. I’ve been considered a top performer, earned a stellar […] Read the full article →
how to ask for a raise (because you need to) by Alison Green on June 27, 2023 I’m regularly dismayed by how many people — particularly women — tell me they’ve gone their entire careers without ever asking for a raise. They haven’t done it because they feel awkward bringing it up, or aren’t sure how to find an opening to do it, or because they’re afraid they’ll sound greedy or like […] Read the full article →
I asked for a raise but instead they’re doing small cost-of-living increases for everyone by Alison Green on May 18, 2023 A reader writes: I work for a small company, about 50 people. We’re all fully remote, and I speak to my boss — the owner —only every few years. My work is all project-based, and there’s no path for advancement (I’m a one-person department), so things just sort of roll on from year to year. […] Read the full article →
how much money do you make? by Alison Green on April 11, 2023 It’s hard to get real-world information about what jobs pay. Online salary websites are often inaccurate, and people can get weird when you ask them directly. So to take some of the mystery out of salaries, it’s the annual Ask a Manager salary survey. Fill out the form below to anonymously share your salary and […] Read the full article →
should our raises be late just because our performance reviews are late? by Alison Green on March 30, 2023 A reader writes: I work for a small company. The leadership and many members of the team, myself included, left another, much larger company three years ago to start this firm. I’ve gotten great annual pay increases at the new small company! But my gripe is that they don’t seem to be pegged to any […] Read the full article →
my company cut our pay after we met our goals and says we shouldn’t be upset by Alison Green on March 21, 2023 A reader writes: I work in a position that is the butt of a sales organization. I don’t mind it, but I don’t make a ton and deal with a lot of nonsense. On Thursday, they called a meeting for me and the six other people or so in my position and spent 30 minutes […] Read the full article →