how to ask about salary when you’re invited to interview by Alison Green on July 14, 2022 A reader writes: I have been applying for a few jobs and have had interviews. It seems that it takes some time getting through the interview process before salary expectations are discussed. More often than not, within my field at least, the salary ranges for the position responsibilities and requirements are notoriously low. I don’t […] Read the full article →
should employees have to ask for a raise? by Alison Green on June 6, 2022 A reader writes: I recently found myself in a disagreement about an issue with a fellow manager: Should an employee have to ask in order to get a raise? I’ve always felt it’s incredibly important for employees to ask for the raises they want. Ideally, that means setting a meeting with me and coming prepared […] Read the full article →
can I ask for a raise if I wouldn’t leave over salary? by Alison Green on May 2, 2022 A reader writes: I like my job but I’m very underpaid. Can I do anything about it? It’s not like I would leave if I asked for a raise and they didn’t give me one, so I feel like there is no leverage. You can ask for a raise even if you won’t leave if […] Read the full article →
I got in trouble for talking to my coworker about how much money I make by Alison Green on April 20, 2022 A reader writes: Recently, I was given feedback from my manager stating they had concerns with confidentiality and discretion when it came to my work. They said it had been brought to their attention that I had shared what my salary was with a team member. My manager did not share who it was, for […] Read the full article →
how to ask my company to pay me more if they want me to stay by Alison Green on April 14, 2022 A reader writes: I’m a 27-year-old woman, working for my first company. I got a job here almost five years ago, fresh out of college, and have moved up the ladder fairly quickly. I’m highly regarded, very involved in the organization, have great relationships with my coworkers, leadership, and clients, and earned a spot in […] Read the full article →
how much money do you make? by Alison Green on April 5, 2022 It’s hard to get real-world information about what jobs pay. Online salary websites are often inaccurate, and people can get weird when you ask them directly. So let’s take some of the mystery out of salaries. It’s only been a year since our last salary survey, but with so much job churn and changes in […] Read the full article →
when recruiters ask, “how did the interview go?” by Alison Green on February 24, 2022 A reader writes: I’m currently interviewing for a position with a large tech company. I’ve had a phone screener, an interview with team members, and an interview with the head of the team. This all happened over the course of two weeks. A few days ago, the recruiter emailed me asking to set up a […] Read the full article →
is it ethical for a recruiter to require you to agree to a salary up-front and not discuss the offer with your current job? by Alison Green on January 18, 2022 A reader writes: Is it ethical for a prospective employer to require you not to negotiate with your current one? I love my current job at a nonprofit and am very happy. A recruiter reached out about a job that would be a significant promotion for me. The job application requires candidates to agree to […] Read the full article →
how do I negotiate salary when I’m overpaid? by Alison Green on November 16, 2021 A reader writes: I’m nearing the final rounds of interviews for a few opportunities that I’m really excited about. In each of these conversations at varying times the recruiter or hiring manager has asked something like, “I just want to make sure we’re not wasting anyone’s time, can you share your current salary so we […] Read the full article →
my boss pays me an extra $500/month from her own money — but didn’t pay me this month by Alison Green on November 8, 2021 A reader writes: I have been in my current position for about two years now. As the pandemic has eased and the job market opened up, a vast majority of my colleagues at my level have left for other companies, meaning that I am one of the employees who best knows the ropes and has […] Read the full article →