short answers

More answers to more work questions than you can imagine. Weird coworkers, difficult bosses, tricky clients — it’s all covered here.

coworker doesn’t want to report our boss for harassment, I accidentally let a contact think my dad is still alive, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. My coworker doesn’t want to report our boss for harassment Recently a coworker shared information with me about some pretty egregious sexual comments our mutual boss made. My personal feeling is that she needs to share this with HR and/or our company leadership team (we […]

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should I apologize for my coworker’s behavior at a conference, professional acquaintance messaged me on a dating app, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Should I apologize for my coworker’s behavior at a conference? Recently, I attended an industry conference hosted by an important client. People in my field from across the country attended for purposes of brainstorming and networking. I attended with a senior colleague from my company, […]

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