I don’t want to have a boss by Alison Green on August 2, 2012 A reader writes: How can I stand being employed by someone when I don’t want to have a boss? I’ve always had trouble working for authority; my experience with authority, and this isn’t just a perception as I’ve tried changing that too, is they walk all over me, getting what they want, leaving pennies in […] Read the full article →
by Alison Green on July 21, 2011 I’m quoted in this Business Insider article about how to get a job when you’ve been unemployed for a while. I managed to work in a mention of Law & Order. Read the full article →
the state of Florida thinks unemployed people need capes by Alison Green on April 22, 2011 Florida, what’s wrong with you? Workforce Central Florida, a federally-funded jobs agency, was just forced to kill an insulting $73,000 PR campaign that included $14,000 for 6,000 superhero capes, which they planned to give away to unemployed residents. By friending the agency on Facebook, taking a “What kind of Superhero Are You?” quiz, or posing […] Read the full article →
do I have to be perfect to get a job? by Alison Green on February 24, 2011 A reader writes: I have not worked full time in over a year and a half and have been unemployed for two months, when my seasonal job came to an end. I have not been able to find a job and am starting to think there is something wrong with me. In fact, my perceived […] Read the full article →
apparently (many) outplacement firms suck by Alison Green on February 1, 2011 Check out this Wall St. Journal article about how many outplacement firms suck. (Outplacement firms are hired by some companies doing lay-offs; they ostensibly help laid-off workers find new work, by helping with resumes and cover letters, coaching, etc.) Unsurprisingly, it turns out that many of them offer lame boilerplate advice that isn’t helping anyone. Some […] Read the full article →
how do you survive without a job? by Alison Green on February 4, 2010 In the comments on a recent post, Kathy asked: Hi, I have a question that I do not mean with any snotty tone, whatsoever. I am truly curious because it’s something I’ve always wondered: For those of you unemployed for lengthy periods of time, how do you survive? Did you have a large emergency fund […] Read the full article →