wait, what?!

Letters that make you say, “Wait, what?!”

my coworker is setting toilet paper on fire in the bathroom

A reader writes: I work in a small office (about 20 people at this branch of our company) and we have two individual restrooms (as opposed to stalls) in our central hallway. There is certainly a smell situation because the hallway leads to all major sections of the office, but in general, people try to […]

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my office has a burn book we all have to read and sign

A reader writes: I work at a customer service desk with one supervisor and a handful of employees. It’s shift work, and there is often very little overlap between morning and afternoon shifts. We have a notebook behind the desk where we are supposed to write notes to the team about anything you need them […]

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we have twice-daily mandatory group therapy at work

A reader writes: I am really uncomfortable with a new development at my office and I feel like quitting is the only option now. I’m an administrator for a private recovery and mental health center, not a clinical or medical staff member, so I’m not at risk for emotional burn-out. We were notified last year […]

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my boss cares more about “confidence” and “strength” than truth and accuracy

A reader writes: I need advice navigating communication style differences. I manage an office of about 12 employees and four interns, all working under “Fergus,” the company’s owner. I report directly to Fergus, and the others report directly to me. The issue is that our communication styles differ vastly. Fergus demands what he calls “decisive […]

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my office is requiring us to disclose all medications we take

A reader writes: I work for a small office (around 20 people) with a director who has a tendency towards micromanagement and distrust of employees — think paranoia that people are constantly trying to get out of doing “enough” work. The director recently announced a new policy requiring employees to disclose prescription and over-the-counter drugs […]

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my employer fined me $90 for being late

A reader writes My company has a ridiculous late fine policy: you will be fined $2 for every minute, starting from 9:01 a.m. So if you come in at 9:05 a.m., that’s $10 you gotta pay up in cash. (This is not somewhere where down-to-the-minute coverage would be essential. It’s just typical deskbound, back-end work. […]

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