my boss wants us to all share our mental health needs – at every meeting by Alison Green on June 18, 2018 A reader writes: I work at a small company where I like to maintain a professional persona, focusing on getting work done and keeping my personal life separate. The company is not well managed but I have a decent amount of autonomy, people are reasonably pleasant, and for a variety of family reasons the location, […] Read the full article →
my coworker has started faking a British accent by Alison Green on May 30, 2018 A reader writes: So this question is … more just truly bizarre than anything. But recently, a coworker of mine has decided she is now British and has been regularly slipping into a thick British accent — very Madonna-esque. On one hand, I guess live your life. On the other hand, OH MY GOD, WHAT? […] Read the full article →
my dad is dating my boss, and they want me to go to couples therapy with them by Alison Green on May 9, 2018 A reader writes: My dad started dating this woman (Jill) about two years ago, after he and my stepmom amicably divorced. As this was going on, I graduated from grad school, ended my student internship, and started looking for jobs. In six months, I applied to 275 jobs and didn’t get a single interview. I […] Read the full article →
I got in trouble because my coworker saw maxi pads in my car, and more by Alison Green on April 12, 2018 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. I got written up because my coworker saw maxi pads in my car One of my coworkers complained because she saw a package of maxi pads in the backseat of my car when she parked near me in our parking lot. I had stopped at […] Read the full article →
our employee is taking nude photos in our office and posting them to Facebook by Alison Green on March 14, 2018 A reader writes: I am the office manager of a small (two additional employees, two doctors, and one therapist) health practice. One employee, who I will call Jane, has worked there for over 10 years and handles billing, front desk, and bookkeeping. Jane is recently divorced and seems to be going through a mid-life crisis […] Read the full article →
I paid for fake references, Leap Year birthdays, and more by Alison Green on January 29, 2018 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. I paid for fake references I did something stupid and paid for two fake references after a job interview. Well, as you could probably predict, it’s blowing up in my face a little bit. They both did not respond to the hiring manager in a […] Read the full article →
employee sent out photos of a coworker’s stoma bag — what should I do? by Alison Green on January 3, 2018 A reader writes: I’m having an issue with two of my reports. One of them, Jan, outed the other, John, about him having a stoma/colostomy bag. No one knew he had one. John did not know how Jan came to find out. Jan said she noticed it when she saw John reach for something on […] Read the full article →
my office makes us cook and eat lunch together every day by Alison Green on September 19, 2017 A reader writes: I am a frequent long-term contractor at a very small company. There are two owners, two full-time employees, and a handful of freelancers and interns at any one time. The owners are wonderful people whom I enjoy spending time with, but they have a practice that some coworkers and I feel conflicted […] Read the full article →
did my intern frame my coworker for credit card theft? by Alison Green on September 18, 2017 A reader writes: This past summer, the section I supervise had some interns working here. All of them were offered jobs here once the internships were over. However one of them has created a situation where she lied to the police, but my boss and HR have still decided to offer her a job. A […] Read the full article →
my coworker keeps asking his wife for input on our projects by Alison Green on September 5, 2017 A reader writes: I work in a sales organization in an industry that is fairly conservative and reputation-driven. I work in marketing and interface with sales staff quite often. There is a salesperson who is fairly new to our organization and industry who does a couple of odd and, I think, unprofessional things that I […] Read the full article →