wait, what?!

Letters that make you say, “Wait, what?!”

my coworker has started faking a British accent

A reader writes: So this question is … more just truly bizarre than anything. But recently, a coworker of mine has decided she is now British and has been regularly slipping into a thick British accent — very Madonna-esque. On one hand, I guess live your life. On the other hand, OH MY GOD, WHAT? […]

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I paid for fake references, Leap Year birthdays, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. I paid for fake references I did something stupid and paid for two fake references after a job interview. Well, as you could probably predict, it’s blowing up in my face a little bit. They both did not respond to the hiring manager in a […]

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my office makes us cook and eat lunch together every day

A reader writes: I am a frequent long-term contractor at a very small company. There are two owners, two full-time employees, and a handful of freelancers and interns at any one time. The owners are wonderful people whom I enjoy spending time with, but they have a practice that some coworkers and I feel conflicted […]

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did my intern frame my coworker for credit card theft?

A reader writes: This past summer, the section I supervise had some interns working here. All of them were offered jobs here once the internships were over. However one of them has created a situation where she lied to the police, but my boss and HR have still decided to offer her a job. A […]

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my coworker keeps asking his wife for input on our projects

A reader writes: I work in a sales organization in an industry that is fairly conservative and reputation-driven. I work in marketing and interface with sales staff quite often. There is a salesperson who is fairly new to our organization and industry who does a couple of odd and, I think, unprofessional things that I […]

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