my team sent me a bag of garbage while I was recovering from surgery by Alison Green on June 8, 2015 A reader writes: I’m currently covering a maternity leave and had to go in for a not insignificant surgery. It was complicated by the fact I seem to be working in the real-life version of Mean Girls, most frequently with a Regina George stand-in. I ended up having my surgery, and negotiating remote work for […] Read the full article →
my coworker aggressively digs up information when someone has a death in the family by Alison Green on June 3, 2015 A reader writes: How do I deal with a coworker who takes it upon herself to do investigative research online whenever there is a death in someone’s family? She likes to peruse the Internet, look up links, addresses, and family bios, and share them with others. Sometimes she does this verbally, but more often she […] Read the full article →
company wants me to pay back half my salary since I only worked a few months and “didn’t add enough value” by Alison Green on May 20, 2015 A reader writes: I recently joined a startup, and I didn’t like it all. They lied to me multiple times: 1) The founder told me they were were profitable, but four weeks in the job I found out they do not make money at all. They have some revenue, but it’s pretty minimal compared to […] Read the full article →
I walked in on employees having sex — and I think there’s a sex club in my office by Alison Green on April 22, 2015 A reader writes: I am the manager of a customer service team of about 10-12 members. Most of the team members are right out of school and this is their first professional job and their ages range from 22-24. I am about 10 years older than all of my employees. We have a great team […] Read the full article →
my boss is sending everyone at my office racist memes by Alison Green on March 12, 2015 A reader writes: I work at a branch office of a nonprofit institution (roughly 150 employees over 10 states). Today, my branch manager (vice president in the overall institution) sent this racially-charged political meme to all employees at our site. I was shocked and disgusted, as were many of my front-line colleagues. My immediate supervisors, however, shrugged […] Read the full article →
my coworker won’t stop caressing me — or the kids we work with by Alison Green on February 11, 2015 A reader writes: I work part-time for an organization that deals with recreational programming for all ages. I’ve been there for about 7 years. I work with children in the 6-11-year-old age range. I have a new-ish coworker, Kim, who is very touchy-feely. She’s like this with everyone. She will get inside your personal bubble […] Read the full article →
my boss thinks he is a mayan shaman by Alison Green on January 21, 2015 A reader writes: I took employment at a nonprofit as an economic researcher about seven months ago. Overall, I love my job and what I get to do and helping people, but there is one major issue: My boss, who is the founder and head of the organization, thinks he is a mayan shaman. I […] Read the full article →
my boss is making threats about the Mafia to me by Alison Green on January 14, 2015 A reader writes: I have an unusual situation with my manager. My manager has on several occasions issued indirect threats, for lack of better wording. There have been several times over the last two years, but this past year has been awful and to the point that I’m having difficulty trying to do my work. […] Read the full article →
my employer is pressuring me to donate my retirement savings by Alison Green on January 7, 2015 A reader writes: I work in a development office at a college. This development office does the fundraising for the college from alumni, friends, companies, staff, etc. Representatives in my office have been trying to cultivate me into donating the savings in my retirement account (part of the college benefit package) to the college as […] Read the full article →
we have to make PowerPoints about our personal lives and present them to coworkers by Alison Green on December 17, 2014 A reader writes: I’m 43 years old and I work in a place in which most of the employees, including the boss, are 30 or younger, so maybe this is a generational issue. I enjoy my actual work, but I cannot stand some of the required activities that the administration has implemented in order to […] Read the full article →