I had to prepare a meal and entertain 20 people for a job interview — and so did 19 other candidates by Alison Green on January 9, 2014 A reader writes: I recently had a job interview for an entry-level program coordinator position. I walked in and there was a panel of interviewers sitting behind a table but there was no chair for me. This was the third of five interviews as part of an all-day interview process, and every other session had […] Read the full article →
my office Secret Santa gave me a sex toy by Alison Green on December 20, 2013 A reader writes: The office did a secret Santa gift exchange. I was out on dinner at the time, so my present was left on my desk. Beyond assuming a man wrapped it due to the quality of the wrap job, no one kept track of who got who. I bought a box of chocolates […] Read the full article →
my boss wants two years notice before I resign by Alison Green on November 20, 2013 A reader writes: Recently, my boss told me to let him know 2 years ahead of time when I plan to leave the company. I was startled when he told me to give him a 2-year notice, and automatically agreed. You can imagine my regret at my response. How should I approach this? I have […] Read the full article →
my boss saw me at a strip club and now won’t talk to me by Alison Green on November 14, 2013 A reader writes: I’m a woman and I recently accompanied a group of friends (not coworkers) to a strip club. It isn’t something I do normally and was just a whim sort of thing. I wasn’t on company time and I wasn’t wearing anything that would identify me as an employee. I’m straight and this […] Read the full article →
my mother’s boss is spreading a false rumor that my mom is dying by Alison Green on October 22, 2013 A reader writes: I’m asking this on behalf of my mom, who’s currently undergoing chemo for treatable cancer. She’s back to work after surgery, and is getting her treatment every two weeks. She’s doing very well and looks completely healthy (no hair loss, that sort of thing) to an outsider. Her boss, however, has spread […] Read the full article →
my manager spent the money from an office collection on herself by Alison Green on September 26, 2013 A reader writes: I work for an outpatient medical office. My mother died one month ago. The office manager approached my coworkers the day after she died to contribute cash in order to buy a Visa gift card for me. I was off a week, and when I returned a coworker asked me if I […] Read the full article →
an employee is putting magic curses on her coworkers by Alison Green on July 26, 2013 A reader writes: I’ve recently been contacted by a supervisor in our company who has heard that one of his subordinates has been regularly “cursing” both him and his daughter (who also works for our company). By “cursing,” I don’t mean using foul language. I mean she considers herself something of a witch and has […] Read the full article →
my boss is always making out with his girlfriend at work by Alison Green on May 27, 2013 While visiting my nieces (ages 9 and 12) this weekend, they asked to take a stab at answering an Ask a Manager question … and then clamored to have their answers posted. So the following question has answers from all three of us. A reader writes: We work in a fairly small division of the […] Read the full article →
my former coworker wants my company to sponsor her party by Alison Green on August 6, 2012 A reader writes: My former coworker (and good friend) is a very well-liked person — even despite the fact that she left our company abruptly last year. She has decided to throw a party at her home for select staff members (I am obviously invited). The list has grown and grown. It’s going to be […] Read the full article →
my boss keeps stealing my lunch, after I’ve asked him to stop by Alison Green on October 24, 2011 A reader writes: I have a bit of a weird situation and was wondering if you had any advice on how to deal with my manager. I’ve recently been transferred to a new department, working in a new office environment, under a new manager. His diet consists mainly of fast food and take-out. I have […] Read the full article →