employer demanded a doctor’s note when I asked to move my desk 3 feet by Alison Green on August 21, 2011 A reader writes: I work in a large, windowless room with eight other people. Up until recently, we had wooden dividers that gave each employee a bit pf privacy, but allowed us to have each employee’s desk arranged so that it faced out to the fairly open common area. A couple of months ago my […] Read the full article →
someone is leaving their fingernail clippings in my desk by Alison Green on April 26, 2011 A reader writes: I have an office dilemma that no one seems to have a solution for and figured that you may be able to offer some advice. Twice in the last month, I have come into my cubicle to find fingernail clippings in my desk drawer and on my chair. I had a personal […] Read the full article →
coworker brushes hair with fork, cleans false teeth at desk by Alison Green on January 28, 2010 A reader writes: I work for a company that has the FDA (Food and Drug Admin) come in often for audits. Every single thing every employee does can be audited. Therefore, procedures are put into place that must be followed. A co-worker takes many shortcuts and does not follow these procedures. I have pointed this […] Read the full article →
the weirdest interview question ever? by Alison Green on December 22, 2009 This amazing story comes from one of the commenters on my U.S. News & World report post earlier this week about how to handle inappropriate interview questions. Linda R. wrote: When I was just out of college (ahem…the early 80’s, a less enlightened age), a friend went on an interview for an administrative position. She […] Read the full article →
coworker moonlighting as prostitute during work hours by Alison Green on November 15, 2009 A reader writes: My co-worker is a very open person and tells me to cover for her every time she has to leave the office. Our boss and manager are not here half the time so when they are not, my co-worker leaves either early and/or takes a really long lunch. At the beginning, the […] Read the full article →
you are high maintenance and full of yourself by Alison Green on August 12, 2008 A reader writes: My interviewer asked me what my salary range was, so I researched and sent an email back. He replied stating that it was too high, so I sent him a email back just asking what an acceptable range would be. At that point, he sent back three paragraphs bashing me, stating that I […] Read the full article →