workplace practices

Is your office normal? Workplace practices can be wildly different from office to office. Here’s a reality check on yours.

how to deal with a stomach attack in the middle of a meeting

A reader writes: This is an embarrassing (but probably more common than I think) question. I just got a new role at my company. The company is great, with a pro-employee balance and we’re only in the office about one day/week. The new role is one which has far more meetings than my current role […]

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I had to share a bed with a coworker on a business trip

I’m off for the holiday, so here’s an older post from the archives. This was originally published in 2016. A reader writes: Some coworkers and I recently went on overnight travel, and the plan was to have us split two hotel rooms. Sharing a room with people I work with is less than my favorite […]

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everything you need to know about how to take vacation time

Here’s a round-up of everything you need to know about taking vacation time. the basics everything you need to know about taking vacation time from work what’s the etiquette for taking vacation time? everything you need to know about time off when you start a new job how far in advance can you request time […]

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a hoarder at work is causing a mouse problem

A reader writes: I work in a lab at a university. Back in August, we starting noticing mice. One of the employees in a leadership position, Julie, has a hoarding problem. Her office is full of so many piles of stuff you can’t walk through it, and there are closets full of her stuff as […]

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how to write an out-of-office message

With so many people on vacation right now, it’s time to consider the humble out-of-office message … because there are some really weird ones out there. Some out-of-office messages offer far too much personal information; your colleagues do not need to know that you’re out for fertility testing or dealing with a particularly terrible bout […]

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