can I tell clients not to bring in sick kids? by Alison Green on January 16, 2025 A reader writes: I work at a barbershop that’s under the booth rent model, so I’m a sole proprietor. How do I professionally tell people to stop coming in sick/bringing in their sick kids? Should I display a sign at my station as well? I don’t understand how a haircut is so important when you’re […] Read the full article →
our CEO is demanding we return to the office but people don’t want to — and I’m a manager stuck in the middle by Alison Green on January 15, 2025 A reader writes: In 2020, due to the pandemic, my entire company started to work from home. I enjoyed a much better work-life balance and know many others did too, especially because so many people moved further away for more space. Sadly, we’ve been asked to come back into the office. At first it was […] Read the full article →
employee runs to work and drips water and mud everywhere when he arrives by Alison Green on January 13, 2025 A reader writes: One of our staff, Leonard, runs to work. Given our local climate, this often results in him arriving damp and/or cold, which has caused issues: • Our offices/meeting rooms have glass walls, so he uses the shared washroom to change on arrival – tromping through in muddy shoes or bare feet, washing […] Read the full article →
my new boss told me not to take all my PTO each year by Alison Green on January 13, 2025 A reader writes: I recently landed a job offer at a large global company after taking a year off. The job search was a tough one, but after some bumps in the road I was pretty excited about this company and accepted their offer. I ended up negotiating for additional vacation time (four weeks) to […] Read the full article →
how to ask “did you get my gift?” without sounding like you’re fishing for a thank-you by Alison Green on January 9, 2025 A reader writes: I have an extremely low-stakes question: Is there a way to say “did you receive my gift?” that doesn’t come off as aggressively asking to be thanked but instead expresses what I really want to know, which is, “FedEx/etc said it was delivered but was it really? Or do I need to […] Read the full article →
should employees use sick time for doctor’s appointments? by Alison Green on January 8, 2025 A reader writes: As a relatively new manager, I’m wondering about how to navigate sick time. Background: We’re 100% remote. I have weekly standing meetings with employees; apart from that, I don’t require details on what they’re doing through the day. When I know someone is at a doctor’s appointment for a few hours, is […] Read the full article →
how to survive your office holiday party by Alison Green on December 10, 2024 It’s December, which means it’s the season of office holiday parties, and all the etiquette landmines that come along with them: should you bring a date or go solo? Can you drink or should you stick to seltzer? Can you huddle by the cookie table with your work BFF or do you have to socialize […] Read the full article →
the sandwich party, the goat shrine, and other unusual office traditions by Alison Green on November 27, 2024 I asked last week about unusual office traditions you’ve seen or experienced, and here are 15 of my favorites you shared. 1. The PB&J party We once had a coworker who was a young, single guy right out of college and living on his own for the first time. He always forgot to buy groceries, […] Read the full article →
I have no idea what to get for the office gift exchange by Alison Green on November 26, 2024 A reader writes: I’ve signed up to participate in my office’s gift swap, where everyone is supposed to bring a wrapped gift and we’ll each pick one to open. I think it’s a Yankee Swap, where people will pick one at a time and then can either keep what they opened or “steal” someone else’s […] Read the full article →
we’re supposed to buy liquor and ski passes for our bosses by Alison Green on November 25, 2024 A reader writes: Last year, soon after I’d started a new job as a mid-level manager at a 30-person firm, I was surprised to get an email before the holidays requesting a donation for a surprise group gift from all the employees to the three partners who head my firm. Those partners are lovely people, […] Read the full article →