workplace practices

Is your office normal? Workplace practices can be wildly different from office to office. Here’s a reality check on yours.

is it ageist to tell an older team member they’re wrong?

A reader writes: When our company went 100% online work, my team and I helped set up 35 employees with hardware in their homes. The department we support is mostly people in their late 20s-early 30s. Two employees, Archie and Edith, both have bad attitudes and break their hardware a lot. I would say a […]

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birthday cards are causing mayhem in our office

A reader writes: I’m a team lead with a ridiculous problem. This January, a coworker who reports to me, Diana, said she thought it would be great if she kept a list of everyone’s birthdays and passed around a birthday card for everyone else to sign and then give to the birthday-haver. She said she […]

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is a reminder to vote too political?

A reader writes: I currently work in a management role in a government agency. For anyone who cares to do a quick Google/LinkedIn search, it is clear from my previous jobs for campaigns/issue groups/certain politicians that I’m a Democrat, but I maintain pretty strict boundaries about discussing politics at work. We are a service agency, […]

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do we have to accommodate a dieting employee?

A reader writes: I know that we need to accommodate employees with dietary restrictions due to health or religious needs, but what about employees who choose to go on diets? I have a colleague, Collette, who has been willingly doing a Keto diet for the last year, and she still is insufferable about it. Anytime […]

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let’s discuss workplace contests gone awry

Workplace contests sometimes go off the rails in ways no ever intended. (Luckily for us!) Some examples that have been shared here in the past: •. “We had a hot sauce eating contest at work years ago that ended with the crowd demanding that the contestants stop before they got hurt (and passing the hat […]

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you can’t escape the office diet police

We all know the office diet police: the people who say, “Don’t you know that’s terrible for you?” as if you’d chosen Flamin’ Hot Cheetos for their nutritional value … “Oh, I see we’re being naughty today!” as you eat a slice of cake … and, if you choose something heathy, “Ugh, another salad—you need […]

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can I report my boss for getting me sick?

A reader writes: I want to go to HR about my boss coming in sick, resulting in me using all my vacation time for an upper respiratory infection, but I’m not sure I should. We work in a cafeteria, so we have an HR but we also serve food. My boss came in Wednesday and […]

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my company says we can’t wear underwire bras

A reader writes: My company just introduced a new company-wide policy that you cannot wear an underwire bra due to setting off an alarm on a metal detector in the entrance of the building. Is this illegal in California? It’s legal. It’s actually been litigated in multiple states (and, as far as I know, upheld […]

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